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Multiple Intelligences: Where Does Your True Intelligence Lie? A quiz to identify your most effective learning styles. Based on the work of Dr. Howard.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple Intelligences: Where Does Your True Intelligence Lie? A quiz to identify your most effective learning styles. Based on the work of Dr. Howard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiple Intelligences: Where Does Your True Intelligence Lie? A quiz to identify your most effective learning styles. Based on the work of Dr. Howard Gardner

2 We learn... 10% of what we read 20% of what we hear 30% of what we see 50% of what we both see and hear 70% of what is discussed with others 80% of what is experienced personally 95% of what we teach to someone else. William Glasser

3 Create a tally sheet: write down the following terms on your own paper. Leave space between each term! Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Intrapersonal Spatial Musical Bodily-Kinesthetic Interpersonal

4 Directions: I will read and explain a series of statements. If the statement expresses some characteristic of yours and sounds TRUE about you for the most part- jot down a “T” If it doesn’t mark an “F”

5 Linguistic Intelligence 1.I have highly developed auditory skills 2. I like to write, read and /or listen 3. I spin tall tales or tell jokes and stories 4. I have a good memory for names, places, dates, or trivia

6 Linguistic Intelligence cont. 5.I enjoy reading books and/or writing stories 6.I spell words accurately and easily 7.I have a well developed vocabulary 8.I like doing cross word puzzles or playing games 9.I like to communicate through writing

7 Logical-Mathematical Intelligence 1. I explore patterns, categories, and relationships 2. I compute arithmetic problems quickly 3. I am able to group and order data and then analyze, interpret and make predictions

8 Logical-Mathematical cont. 4. I enjoy mathematics and/or using computers 5. I reason things out logically to solve problems 6. I play chess, checkers, or strategy games and win!

9 Logical-Mathematical cont. 7. I devise experiments to test out things that aren’t easily understood. 8. I enjoy working on logical puzzles 9. I like to play the role of the “Devil’s Advocate”

10 Intrapersonal Intelligence 1. I feel I know my own strengths and weaknesses 2. I have a strong sense of independence, can do work by myself without being told, and I motivate myself to do well on independent study projects 3. I like my own private, inner world

11 Intrapersonal Intelligence cont. 4. I have strong opinions when discussing controversial topics 5. I like to be alone to work on hobbies or projects 6 I feel very self confident

12 Intrapersonal Intelligence cont. 7. I wear what I want to wear, am my own person, and I am not influenced by my friends 8. I have intuitive ability 9. I do not like to have my photo taken

13 Spatial Intelligence 1. I think in images and pictures 2. I like to draw, paint, sculpt, and participate in art activities 3. I report in clear visual images when thinking about something

14 Spatial Intelligence 4. I easily read maps, charts, and diagrams 5. I draw accurate representations of people or things 6. I like to see movies, slides, or photographs

15 Spatial Intelligence cont. 7. I enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles or mazes 8. I daydream a lot and/or recall dreams vividly 9. I have a good sense of direction

16 Musical Intelligence 1. I am sensitive to a variety of sounds in the environment 2. I play a musical instrument or enjoy music 3. I remember melodies of songs

17 Musical Intelligence cont. 4. I can tell when a musical note is off-key 5 I prefer to have music on when studying or working 6. I collect records, tapes, or C.D.s

18 Musical Intelligence cont. 7. I enjoy singing 8. I keep time to music 9 I have a wide range of musical tastes

19 Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence 1. I learn best by moving around, touching, or acting things out 2. I process knowledge through bodily sensations- I have to do it! 3. I move, twitch, tap, or fidget while sitting

20 Bodily-Kinesthetic cont. 4. I engage in physical activities or sports and can become an accomplished athlete 5. I perform gross and fine motor skills skillfully and/or demonstrate skill in a craft that uses hands like woodworking, sewing, carving, or sculpting 6. I get answers by “feeling them in my gut”

21 Bodily-Kinesthetic cont. 7. I enjoy hands-on active learning experiences such as manipulatives, role-playing, simulations, competitive sports, action-packed stories, and building models 8. I accurately mimic other people’s gestures and mannerism 9. My sense of balance and coordination is good, learning to ride a bike or skate was easy, and/or I pick up new dance steps fast

22 Interpersonal Intelligence 1. I enjoy being around people and may have many friends 2. I socialize a lot at school, work or at home 3. I organize, communicate and sometimes manipulate

23 Interpersonal Intelligence 4. I learn best by relating and cooperating 5. I enjoy participating in many group activities 6. I serve as the “family mediator” when disputes arise

24 Interpersonal Intelligence cont. 7. I have a lot of empathy for the feelings of others 8. I respond to the moods and temperaments of other individuals 9. I can “read” social situations accurately

25 Scoring and Interpretation

26 Linguistic Intelligence The ability to use language to express meaning, understand others, tell a simple story, react appropriately to stories with different moods; learn new vocabulary or a second language

27 Linguistic Learners They think in words, and learn well by listening to others speak, by reading, writing and verbalizing. They tend to do well at school, since this style dominates most educational systems (most teachers are this type of learner!) They are avid readers and writers They understand the meaning and order of words-are accurate spellers and good at grammar They like to play with language- rhymes, puns, poetry They are articulate speakers and good at explaining, teaching, and convincing someone of a course of action- they make good teachers, counselors, lawyers and salesmen!

28 Linguistic Learners cont. Memory and recall- they are good at remembering names, places, dates and trivia. Use humor, jokes and wit (can be comedians!!) Great story tellers They quickly acquire other languages, including sign language Favorite subjects: English, Social Studies, Foreign Languages Preferred Activities: Creative writing, reading, explanations, journal writing, biographies, feelings, reports, lectures, debate, speaking Tend to sit where they can easily “hear” in a classroom- the middle of the room, the front

29 Logical/Mathematical Intelligence Often called scientific thinking, this intelligence deals with numbers, thinking/reasoning and the recognition of abstract patterns

30 Mathematical/Logical Learners Good with math and numbers, they perform complex calculations “Natural” critical thinkers, they like to figure things out by asking questions, exploring and finding the order and logic in content. They are able to reason scientifically and use deductive and inductive thinking. They discern relationships and connections- they can easily use categorization, classification, inference, and generalization They recognize abstract patterns and relations- scientists, mathematicians and philosophers all rely on this

31 Logical/Mathematical Learners Good at logical problem solving-they carefully analyze the parts of problems-either personal or school-related before systematically testing solutions Favorite Subjects; Math, Science, Philosophy, Computers, Technology Preferred Activities: Calculations, numbers, scientific reasoning, sequencing, problem solving, outlining, graphic organizers, deciphering codes, pattern games, showing relationships

32 Intrapersonal Intelligence Self knowledge. The ability to understand things about oneself- one’s feelings, motivations, strengths, and weaknesses.

33 Intrapersonal Learners They have an awareness and expression of personal feelings, moods, temperaments They have an accurate picture of their strengths and weaknesses They are aware of inner goals, motivations, beliefs, desires Good metacognitive awareness (they know how they learn) They have good concentration and can have superb self- discipline Higher order reasoning They are thoughtful-they reflect on their inner state and apply self-knowledge to make decisions about their life

34 Intrapersonal Learners Independent and self-motivating. They “march to the beat of a different drummer” Self confident and high self-esteem They need their own quiet space to work in. In the classroom they’ll often sit in the back, corners, off to the side They learn best with independent study, self- paced instruction and individual projects Preferred activities: Reflection, autobiography, focusing, goal setting, emotional processing,

35 Spatial Intelligence Visual Intelligence. This deals with the sense of sight and being able to visualize an object and create internal mental images/pictures

36 Spatial Learners Enjoy drawing, designing, looking at pictures, images Very proficient at imagining, visualization, forming mental pictures. They can manipulate mental images and perceive thing from different angles They use graphic representation- they like charts, graphs, pictures and “webs” to organize writing The margins of their notes are filled with doodles and intricate patterns They have active imaginations They are good at doing puzzles, reading maps, blueprints, charts They have a good sense of direction They make good artists, architects, designers

37 Spatial Also can aid scientific thinking, problem solving- scientists and engineers While it’s usually tied to sight- it can be used to a high level by the visually impaired. Preferred activities: guided imagery, pretending, drawing, sculpting, collages, labelling, graphing Students sit where they can “see” in a classroom- front or middle of room

38 Musical Intelligence The ability to recognize tonal patterns, including various environmental sounds, and a sensitivity to rhythm and beats.

39 Musical Learners Excel at remembering melody Sensitive to tone and sound Sensitive to the structure of music. They are able to hear music and sound accurately, and remember it to master it and eventually produce musical sequences They are hummers of tunes, singers of songs. They usually keep perfect time to music, tapping out/drumming rhythms with pencils, fingers, feet Probably play an instrument They may use rhythm, melodies to master and remember concepts

40 Musical cont Preferred activities: chants, music, singing, rhythmic patterns, humming, instrumental sounds,

41 Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence Deals with physical movement and the knowings/wisdom of the body, including the brain’s motor cortex, which conrols bodily motions.

42 Bodily/Kinesthetic Learners Use all or part of the body to create products or solve problems They have a mind/body connection Learn through bodily sensations- they must “do it”, touch, manipulate, move They have good awareness and control of body movements They are coordinated and are natural athletes They are good mimics

43 Bodily/Kinesthetic cont. They learn best when they can move and interact with space in some way to help them process and remember new information through their body Preferred activities; acting, labs, role playing, inventing, physical gestures, games, sports Tend to have the most problems in school if they don’t learn to control their energy They like to sit on the sides of classrooms, near the door, close to the pencil sharpener Favorite subjects-Drama, Sports, Lab Science, Art

44 Interpersonal Intelligence People knowledge. This enables individuals to recognize and make distinctions about others’ feelings and intentions.

45 Interpersonal Learners React to the moods of others Strong sense of empathy and concern for others Often natural leaders, and take others “under their wing” Have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances They like to talk, relate to others They like to organize, mediate and communicate group activities. They understand people, know how to work with them, collaborate and cooperate

46 Intrapersonal cont. They learn best when sharing ideas and working with others They have the ability to see others points of view and they can make distinctions among others They have good verbal/non verbal communications Good at creating/maintaining synergy Preferred activities: Cooperative groups, discussions, feedback, group projects, teamwork They like to sit in the middle of everything Can be too social Make good teachers, politicians, parents, salespeople, psychologists

47 Writing Assignment Directions: In a couple paragraphs tell me about yourself and your learning style. Answer the following: 1. a. What is your learning style? What were your learning strengths (where did you have the most “T” answers) b. Why is this your style? Explain your specific qualities that make you this way or not (“T” chart info!) 2 a. Academic History- What kind of student are you in general? (Good/Bad, School easy/hard, do well some areas/ all areas, etc..) b. What have been your favorite subjects/ least favorite? What are problem areas/ c. How do you learn best? What types of activities do you like best in a class (reading, lecture, cooperative group, individual projects, discussions, role-play and so on) What activities do you dislike? 3. Do you think this test was accurate for you? Did it relate to your past school career, performance, tastes?

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