Echinodermata TEAM LEEEEEEE. Number of Germ Layers  Echinodermata are triploblastic  3 germ layers Class aseroidera- sea star.

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Presentation on theme: "Echinodermata TEAM LEEEEEEE. Number of Germ Layers  Echinodermata are triploblastic  3 germ layers Class aseroidera- sea star."— Presentation transcript:

1 Echinodermata TEAM LEEEEEEE

2 Number of Germ Layers  Echinodermata are triploblastic  3 germ layers Class aseroidera- sea star

3 Symmetry  Radial symmetry  Evolved from bilateral Class ophiurodoiea- brittle star

4 Coelem  Coelomates  Large body cavity lined with tissue Class echinoidea- sea urchin

5 Digestive Tract  Mouth and anus  Some diffuses waste from respiratory surfaces Class echinoidea- sand dollar

6 Cephalization  No cephalization  Diffuse network of nerves and neurons around the mouth

7 Segmentation  Not segmented Class holothuroidea- sea cucumber

8 Skeleton and Appendages  Endoskeleton  Usually have multiple of 5 appendages around center of the body (if they have appendages) Class concentricycloidea- sea daisy

9 Circulatory & Respiratory System  Open circulatory system(blood does not travel within blood vessels)  Water vascular system  For movement, food, and waste transportation, and respiration  Canals connecting numerous tube feet  Contract muscles and force water into tube feet, causing them to extend and push against ground

10 Reproduction  Most are separate sexes and some are hermaphrodites  External fertilization  Mostly sexual but can reproduce asexually  Can regenerate body parts

11 Habitat  All marine animals  Live in salt water  Sessile or slow moving Class crinoidea- sea lilies/feather stars


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