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The Sonnet Introduction to Literature Mrs. Nadia Khawandanah.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sonnet Introduction to Literature Mrs. Nadia Khawandanah."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sonnet Introduction to Literature Mrs. Nadia Khawandanah

2 Sonetto Italy (13 th Century) Little song ( little sound)

3 Petrarch The most important group of sonnets in Europe (14 th Cen. ) 366 Lyrics, 317 true sonnets to Laura. Influence during 15 th & 16 th Cen.

4 The Sonnet in England 16 th Century Wyatt Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey Tottel’s Miscellany

5 Sidney Astrophel & Stella 1 st great sonnet sequence in English

6 Types of the Sonnets Italian (Petrarchan ) English ( Shakespearean)

7 Petrarchan Sestet4 linesOctave8 lines

8 Octave Rhyme Scheme abababab abbaabba

9 Sestet cdcdcd cdecde

10 The Turn (Volta) The shift from octave to sestet

11 Shakespearean Quatrain abab Quatrain cdcd Quatrain efef Couplet gg

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