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A comparison of PM 2.5 simulations over the Eastern United States using CB-IV and RADM2 chemical mechanisms Michael Ku, Kevin Civerolo, and Gopal Sistla.

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Presentation on theme: "A comparison of PM 2.5 simulations over the Eastern United States using CB-IV and RADM2 chemical mechanisms Michael Ku, Kevin Civerolo, and Gopal Sistla."— Presentation transcript:

1 A comparison of PM 2.5 simulations over the Eastern United States using CB-IV and RADM2 chemical mechanisms Michael Ku, Kevin Civerolo, and Gopal Sistla New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Albany, NY

2 INTRODUCTION Assess CMAQ in simulating PM for two chemical mechanisms Comparison with hourly TEOM (PM 2.5) measurements Comparison with daily averaged PM2.5 and species data from SEARCH and IMPROVE (MANE-VU) Sensitivity of the chemical mechanism to emission reductions

3 MODEL SIMULATIONS CMAQ (version 4.1) with CB-IV and RADM2 at 36km and 16 vertical layers MM5 run at 108/36/12 km nesting grids and 25 vertical layers up to about 16 km 1995 EPA emission data for CB-IV and RADM2 chemistry Emission reduction simulation:. 50 % reduction in elevated SOx. 50 % reduction in elevated SOx and 50% in elevated NOx

4 MEASUREMENTS TEOM hourly PM 2.5 measurements – 15 sites in the modeling domain SEARCH network -- daily 24-hour PM 2.5, sulfate, nitrate IMPROVE (MANE-VU) network -- twice a week 24- hour PM 2.5, sulfate and nitrate

5 Modeling Domain and Monitor Sites

6 Daily averaged PM 2.5 concentrations on July 15, 1999 (A) CB-IV; (B) RADM2 (A) (B)

7 Daily averaged percentage of Sulfate to the total PM mass, (A) CB-IV; and (B) RADM2 (A) (B)

8 Daily averaged percentage of Nitrate to the total PM mass, (A) CB-IV; and (B) RADM2 (A) (B)

9 TEOM HOURLY DATA COMPARISON Scatter plots Diurnal plots Statistics



12 Averaged over 15 TEOM sites

13 CB - IVRADM2 Sample Size 1904 Mean Bias (ug/m 3 ) -1.41-24.89 STD (ug/m 3 ) 21.5423.55 Mean Normalized Bias (%) 98.05221.58 Mean Normalized Gross Error (%) 136.26226.96 R 0.190.56 Slope 0.190.91 Intercept 21.0626.90

14 Comparison with 24-hour data from SEARCH and IMPROVE (MANE-VU)

15 Comparisons with SEARCH data

16 Compariosn with IMPROVE (MANE-VU) data

17 EMISSION REDUCTION SIMULATUIN 50% reduction of elevated SOx emissions 50% reduction of elevated SOx emissions and 50% reduction of elevated NOx emissions

18 Percentage reduction of PM 2.5 Concentration at 50% reduction of elevated SOx emission, (A) CB-IV; and (B) RADM2 (A) (B)

19 Percentage reduction of PM 2.5 concentration at 50% reduction of elevated SOx emission and 50% reduction of elevated NOx emission, (A) CB-IV; and (B) RADM2 (A)(B)

20 SUMMARY Both CB-IV and RADM2 overpredicted hourly TEOM PM 2.5 measurements RADM2 chemistry predicted much higher PM 2.5 concentrations than CB-IV CB-IV based simulations showed relatively lower sulfate and higher nitrate compared to those of RADM2 RADM2 chemistry is more sensitive in response to emission reductions than CB-IV

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