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The Bronze Thing One piece of metal Three different uses I. An Instrument To Save Nu.21:4-9.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bronze Thing One piece of metal Three different uses I. An Instrument To Save Nu.21:4-9."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bronze Thing One piece of metal Three different uses I. An Instrument To Save Nu.21:4-9

2 Basic facts 1. Rabbis: God, not the snake, saved True: He saves, not bronze, but… this is a false choice “He who turned toward it was saved, not by what he saw, but by thee, the Savior of all”

3 1. God, not the snake, saved 2. “No first aid book would recommend it” a.Human cure would get credit b.First aid book never produced a miracle or a Savior c.Those who looked, lived 3. “Illogical and foolish” a.“Test of faith” b.1 Co.1

4 Parallel tests of faith Blood on door Ex.12 Blood sacrifice Lv.1-7 Water: leprosy 2 K.5 Water: sight Jn.9 Water: sins Ac.2

5 What would false prophets do? An Israelite is dying of snake bite: 1. “Just believe; you can look later” 2. “A look nullifies God’s grace” 3. “A chariot could run over you” 4. “Hypocrites around the pole” 5. “Snakes are still here; you could be bitten again. Why bother?”

6 I.An Instrument To Save Nu.21:4-9 II. An Idol To Shatter 2 K.18:4

7 Fallen men make idols of nearly anything Lord’s cross, burial cloth = relics Bronze snake on pole: High antiquity Undoubted authenticity Miraculous powers

8 Break it into pieces “Such was the venom of the Israelitish idolatry, that the brazen serpent stung worse than the fiery”  “Piece of brass”  “Piece of brass” degrades the idol; it is worse than worthless “So Hezekiah had it turned from an object of false worship into scrap- metal”

9 “What about baptism?” “Doesn’t this passage illustrate the misuse of baptism (it’s the Lord who saves, not water)”  It refutes R. Catholic doctrine of baptismal regeneration  Does it refute NT teaching?

10 Wrong emphasis on good things Church buildings: Jn.4:24; Hb.10:25  Pride  Maintenance  Emphasis  Misuse  Amulet

11 I.An Instrument To Save Nu.21:4-9 II. An Idol To Shatter 2 K.18:4 III. An Illustration To Symbolize Jn.3:14-16

12 Jesus was “lifted up” Crucifixion, Jn.12:32 Ascension, Ac.2:33  Bronze must go through fire  Jesus went through judgment for us Lk.12:49-50 (51-53) “Fire” Persecution Suffering Cross “Water” Agony Mk.10:38 Cross

13 Nature of saving faith (15): action Blessings of saving faith (Jn.3:16):  Love of God  World  World (Jn.12:32)  Gave only Son  Gave only Son (v.14)  Believe  Believe (Nu.21, Father; Jn.3, Son)  Eternal life

14 Why compare Jesus to deadly snake? (Gn.3; Rv.12) 1. Snake venom killed rebellious Israelites; sin, a rebellious world 2. God provided remedy. 2 Co.11:2 3. Cure resembled disease. Stung by snake; healed by likeness (Ro.5; 8:3) 4. Bronze snake had no venom; Jesus was w/o spot or blemish (1 Pt.1:18-19)

15 1. Snake venom; sin 2. God provided remedy 3. Cure resembled disease 4. Bronze snake had no venom, Jesus, no sin 5. Remedy is conspicuous (pole, cross) 6. Israelites who looked, lived; sinners look by faith 7. Both are stumbling-blocks to human reason. 1 Co.1:18… 8. Both were effective: “all” who looked… 9. Both were only way to be saved

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