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AUIS Assignment 01 IT 12014996. Part A Visual Studio IDE   Developing IDE from Microsoft.

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Presentation on theme: "AUIS Assignment 01 IT 12014996. Part A Visual Studio IDE   Developing IDE from Microsoft."— Presentation transcript:

1 AUIS Assignment 01 IT 12014996

2 Part A

3 Visual Studio IDE   Developing IDE from Microsoft  It is used to develop computer programs for Microsoft Windows, as well as web sites, web applications and web services. Visual Studio 2013 is developed for build better apps for any platform, including Windows, iOS, and Android devices  Have many programming Environment  Ex:C, C#, C++, VB.Net, F#, Python, Ruby

4 Visual Studio IDE  It has also Supports XML/XSLT, HTML/XHTML, JavaScript and CSS.  Microsoft provides many editions  Visual Studio Express  Visual Studio Professional  Visual Studio Community  Visual Studio Premium  Visual Studio Ultimate  Visual Studio Test Professional  For further analysis

5 Aptana Studio IDE   Aptana Studio is an open source integrated development environment (IDE) for building web applications, based on Eclipse  It supports JavaScript, HTML, DOM and CSS with code-completion, outlining, JavaScript debugging, error and warning notifications and integrated documentation  Additional plugins allow Aptana Studio to support Ruby on Rails, PHP, Python, Perl, Adobe AIR, Apple iPhone and Nokia WRT (Web Runtime). Aptana Studio is available as a standalone on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, or as a plugin for EclipseMac OS X

6 Aptana Studio IDE   Aptana Studio is an open source integrated development environment (IDE) for building web applications, based on Eclipse  It supports JavaScript, HTML, DOM and CSS with code-completion, outlining, JavaScript debugging, error and warning notifications and integrated documentation  Additional plugins allow Aptana Studio to support Ruby on Rails, PHP, Python, Perl, Adobe AIR, Apple iPhone and Nokia WRT (Web Runtime). Aptana Studio is available as a standalone on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, or as a plugin for EclipseMac OS X

7 Aptana Studio IDE  For further analysis

8 Eclipse IDE   Eclipse is an integrated development environment (IDE). It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment. Written mostly in Java.  Eclipse can be used to develop applications.  By means of various plug-ins, Eclipse may also be used to develop applications in other programming languages  Ada, ABAP, C, C++, COBOL, Fortran, Haskell, JavaScript, Lasso, Natural, Perl, Php, Prolog, Python, R, Ruby (including Ruby on Rails framework), Scala, Clojure, Groovy, Scheme, and Erlang.

9 Eclipse IDE  The Eclipse software development kit (SDK), which includes the Java development tools, is meant for Java developers.  Users can extend its abilities by installing plug-ins written for the Eclipse Platform, such as development toolkits for other programming languages, and can write and contribute their own plug-in modules  Eclipse SDK is free and open source software

10 Part D

11 What is Heuristics analysis  A Heuristic Evaluation, or Usability Audit, is an evaluation of an interface by one or more Human Factors experts. Evaluators measure the usability, efficiency, and effectiveness of the interface based on 10 usability heuristics originally defined by Jakob Nielsen in 1994. Nielsen’s Usability Heuristics, which have continued to evolve in response to user research and new devices,

12 “Eclipse IDE (ADT)”.  ADT- Android Development Tool

13 “Eclipse IDE (ADT)”.  ADT- Android Development Tool

14 “Eclipse IDE (ADT)”.  Visibility of System Status  Provide users timely and appropriate feedback about the system’s status.  Example : If it takes a long time to load a screen, display a progress bar and/or an estimate of the time it may take to load, so users know what to expect

15 “Eclipse IDE (ADT)”.

16  And in here User is going create a new Android project.  Firstly we can see user want to give some details to create a new Android project. And also the user can customize the Package name.

17 “Eclipse IDE (ADT)”.

18  If the user don’t include the details for Application Name, it will display an error looks like below.

19 “Eclipse IDE (ADT)”.


21  After loaded the Android project sometimes Eclipse showing an error, project has some errors and take time to load the project.  Showing the Building workspace status

22 Match Between System and the Real World  Speak the user’s language using terms and concepts that are familiar to the intended audience. Information should be organized naturally and logically based on what users are accustomed to seeing in the real world.

23 Match Between System and the Real World


25 User Control and Freedom  Users should experience perceived control as they interact with the system.  And user (developer) choose or done anything to code or design, he/she possible to UNDO / REDO the work to avoid the mistake. And freedom to edit the resources and use it, then developer should have ability to update the references also.

26 User Control and Freedom  When the delete project

27 User Control and Freedom  When creating new class

28 Consistency and Standards  User controls, icons, terminology, and error messaging should be consistent throughout the interface. Where appropriate, industry and platform standards should be applied.

29 Error Prevention  if in case the project tend to mistaken get deleted by the user it can be recovered...

30 Error Prevention  With typing keywords

31 Flexibility and Efficiency of Use  For Expert Users  Generate quick methods using methods list

32 Flexibility and Efficiency of Use  Ex: Ctrl + F11 to run the project

33 Flexibility and Efficiency of Use  Ex: Ctrl + O shows the quick outline of a class

34 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design  Creating a new Java Class for Android Project

35 Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors  If the User (developer) enter an invalid keyword on class file or layout (XML layout), the error message will display to the User and he would be to resolve that error according to the details (API information).

36 Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors  Using Tab + Space the user can get the keywords to fix errors

37 Help and Documentation  Help you to design interfaces so simply and t How to coding and coding guides also there

38 Some addition materials in Eclipse ADT  The advantages in eclipse are:  Code Completion, instead of digging through documentation you should be able to tab your way through methods and save yourself a lot of writing  Refactoring, Global Find and Replace is no replacement for good refactoring support, that starts with renaming functions, variables, classes,... and ends with some of the functionality that you can find in current Java IDE (IntelliJ for example)  Syntax Checking, helping you out with writing correct code while you type

39 Some addition materials in Eclipse ADT  Superb debugging tool, with step by step, break points, variable inspection, etc. -Excellent navigation capability (click on a method use, go to its definition; find where a method is used and the hierarchy of calls leading to it; etc.).  ease of use  available plugins  supported platforms  supported languages/frameworks  Eclipse really is a great IDE. Its refactoring tooling works tremendously well. The handling of Javadoc works perfectly. All of features we've come to expect of an IDE are their (code completion, templates, integration with various SCMSs, and integration with build systems).  Its code formatting and cleanup tools are very powerful.

40 Some addition materials in Eclipse ADT  Eclipse offers tools for integrating apps, testing and running server-side code locally, and deploying to a Google backend server via the Google Plugin for Eclipse. Can create a server application within Eclipse and deploy it to Google’s servers. Additional tools let you integrate with the servers such as the cloud database.  Eclipse was built to be a general all-purpose IDE that can be used with any platform and any language

41 Disadvantages  Eclipse is big, and perhaps a bit cumbersome. Most IDEs are overwhelming when you first start using them.  Eclipse is the way it deals with workspaces. When you want to work on multiple projects in Eclipse, you combine them into a workspace. In order to switch to a different workspace, you select the path, and then Eclipse restarts. That always seemed awkward  If you want to copy projects between the workspaces, things can quickly turn into a mess.

42 Code completion is better on Android Studio than Eclipse

43 END

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