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Transportation Electronic Award and Management System Required forms for accessing FTA’s TEAM grants system.

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Presentation on theme: "Transportation Electronic Award and Management System Required forms for accessing FTA’s TEAM grants system."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transportation Electronic Award and Management System Required forms for accessing FTA’s TEAM grants system

2 Staff person at new grantee office preparing form Information about organization Space for FTA use only Must have TIN and DUNS numbers This space for contact person at GM or Board Chair level This space if for FTA use only

3 What is the action being done for this user? Leave blank for new user This is to be signed by official of grantee agency not the new user. The user signs here Applies only for Section 5307 recipients Will the user be able to modify data or view only? PINs are to submit a grant app, execute the contract, execute the annual Certs & Assurances as Grantee Offiical and Grantee Attorney. These areas are for FTA action only. Current forms ask which data base user will access, Production or Quality Assurance


5 (ON ORGANIZATION/COMPANY/AGENCY LETTERHEAD) DESIGNATION OF SIGNATURE AUTHORITY For The TRANSPORTATION ELECTRONIC AWARD & MANAGEMENT PROCESS (TEAM) The _________(Name of Grantee)_______________ hereby authorizes (Name and Title of Grantee Employee) to be assigned and use of a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for the following TEAM functions: ____Execution of Annual Certification and Assurances issued by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), ____Submission of all FTA grant applications ____Execution of all FTA grant awards, (Name and Title of Grantee Employee) to be assigned and use of a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for the following TEAM functions: ____Execution of Annual Certification and Assurances issued by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), ____Submission of all FTA grant applications ____Execution of all FTA grant awards, on behalf of the officials below, for the FTA’s Transportation Electronic Award and Management System (TEAM). ( Signature ) (Grantee’s Chief Executive Officer’s Name) (Title of Grantee’s Chief Executive Officer) ( Signature ) (Grantee’s Legal Counsel’s Name) (Title of Grantee’s Legal Counsel) More than one staff member can be on the same form. Check only the actions that each person will be authorized to do. These signatures must be originals when the forms are sent to FTA.

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