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L 36 — Modern Physics [2] X-rays & gamma rays How lasers work –Medical applications of lasers –Applications of high power lasers Medical imaging techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "L 36 — Modern Physics [2] X-rays & gamma rays How lasers work –Medical applications of lasers –Applications of high power lasers Medical imaging techniques."— Presentation transcript:


2 L 36 — Modern Physics [2] X-rays & gamma rays How lasers work –Medical applications of lasers –Applications of high power lasers Medical imaging techniques –CAT scans –MRI’s

3 Modern physics ideas are strange! Electromagnetic waves sometimes behave like particles- photons –discreet (quantized) packets of energy hf The electrons in atoms sometime behave as waves – matter waves that can only exist in allowed orbits –Electrons have a wavelength and can experience diffraction!

4 The Photon Concept a beam of light waves also behaves like a beam of light particles called PHOTONS Photons are little packets of electro-magnetic energy The energy is proportional to the frequency or inversely proportional to the wavelength E photon = h f, but c = f so E photon = h c/, where h is a constant called Planck’s constant, and c is the speed of light blue photons have more energy than red photons Energy is absorbed or emitted in discreet amounts  sodium absorption line

5 The uncertainty principle In classical physics we can measure the position and velocity of a particle At the atomic level, measurements can disturb what we are trying to measure To find an electron and measure its velocity, we have to scatter a photon from it, but this will change its velocity. We cannot measure (x, v) precisely

6 X-ray and gamma ray photons x-rays are very short wavelength photons gamma rays are have even shorter wavelengths

7 How are x-rays produced? electron gun copper target x-rays when electrons that have been accelerated through about 50,000 volts slam into a piece of copper, some of the electron energy is converted to x-rays x-rays are energetic enough to penetrate through soft tissue and thin metal foils x-ray tube

8 Gamma rays extremely energetic photons constantly bombard the earth cosmic rays emitted by radioactive materials x ray photons are a 1000 times more energetic than visible light photons gamma ray photons are 1,000,000 more energetic than visible light photons

9 Lasers  a device that controls the way that energized atoms release photons. First we must understand the difference between incoherent and coherent radiation Ordinary light sources (light bulbs, fluorescent lights, etc) produce incoherent light lasers produce coherent light  all atoms radiate in the same manner

10 Spontaneous vs Stimulated Emission Coherent radiation is produced when an atom undergoes stimulated emission. Spontaneous emission occurs when an electron makes an unprovoked transition to a lower energy level Stimulated emission occurs when an incoming photon induces the electron to change energy levels  amplification E i (larger energy) E f (smaller energy) Spontaneous emission Stimulated emission Incoming photon

11 A Helium-Neon (HeNe) Laser

12 Medical Applications of Lasers Laser surgery to correct for (a) nearsightedness, and (b) farsightedness

13 Applications of High Power Lasers Using lasers to Cut metals

14 Multiple beams of a powerful laser are focused on a tiny pellet containing fusion fuel. The laser energy compresses the pellet producing a mini-hydrogen bomb that produces energy Laser Fusion Energy fuel pellet 1 mm diameter

15 pellet 500 Trillion Watts of light power 5000 times average US power as much energy on a 1 mm target as a 2000 lb car moving at 60 mph.

16 Solid State Laser Diodes small Come in a variety of different colors

17 Lasers Diodes Diode lasers use semiconductor materials (tiny chips of silicon) as the lasing media When current flows through the silicon chip it emits an intense beam of coherent light. Diode lasers are used to read the information embedded in the pits in CD’s and DVD’s, and also to read UPC’s in bar code scanners and in laser pointers!

18 Laser speed guns these are replacing “radar” guns the gun sends out a series of pulses of infrared laser light that bounce off the car and return to the gun. by measuring the time for the pulse to return the distance to the car can be measured the speed of the car is determined by two consecutive measurements of the distance

19 time t 1 position x 1 time t 2 position x 2

20 How does a CD burner Work? infrared laser light is applied to a layer of photosensitive dye on top of the plastic this causes the dye to darken (no burning!) by selectively darkening particular points along the CD track, and leaving other areas of dye translucent, a digital pattern is created that can be read by a standard CD player

21 Medical Imaging Techniques x-rays CT and CAT scans (Computerized Tomography) MRI’s (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

22 X-rays very short wavelength (0.01 – 0.1 nm) electromagnetic waves produced when energetic electrons slam into a metal target able to penetrate soft tissue, but not bone produces a two dimensional shadow image x-ray of Homer’s head

23 A pineapple and a banana A shadow image can be misleading two shadows taken from different angles provides a better picture shadows taken at multiple angles gives a more complete picture this is what a CT or CAT scan does

24 CAT Scans X ray images are taken at many different angles passing through the patient. Some of the cuts overlap. A full three dimensional image can be reconstructed using computers.  this procedure is called tomography.

25 C omputerized T omography A computerized tomography or CT scan image is formed by analyzing x-ray shadow images taken at many different angles and positions an x-ray source and an array of electronic detectors rotates around the patient as the patient slowly moves through the ring.

26 Coronary CT Angiography (CTA)- a non-invasive procedure that can detect blockages in arteries to the heart.

27 Is there a better medical diagnostic? A CAT scan does a good job of imaging bones, but it does not provide as good an image of soft tissue Also, it requires that the patient receives a big dose of x-rays, which can be harmful in themselves  it is an invasive diagnostic Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a better method of imaging soft tissue

28 MRI- how does it work? MRI works by locating the hydrogen atoms inside the body. Since the body is mostly water, there are lots of hydrogen atoms the nucleus of a hydrogen atom is a single proton. Protons behave like tiny bar magnets with a north pole at one end and a south pole at the other end. If you put a bar magnet in a magnetic field, it will try to align itself with the field.

29 A bar magnet in a magnetic field N S magnetic field N S Solenoid for producing a strong magnetic field by passing a large current through a set of coils

30 Magnetic Resonance Imaging The rules of atomic physics (quantum mechanics) require that the atomic hydrogen bar magnets can only have 2 orientations when placed in a magnetic field  either parallel or antiparallel to it, we call this spin-up or spin-down spin-up spin-down magnetic field protons

31 Magnetic Resonance Protons have a “spin” that can be either “up” or “down” relative to the direction of the magnetic field If radio waves (FM) hit the protons, it can cause it them to flip from one spin state to the other at a frequency that depends on the strength of the magnetic field These spin flips result in the absorption or release of radio wave energy that can be detected electronically

32 Magnetic Resonance Imaging In effect, the magnetic field makes the protons act like tiny radio transmitters that only broadcast their signal when the value of the magnetic field is just right By varying the strength of the magnetic field as a function of position in the body, the spin flips can be detected in various parts of the body A computer is used to combine the signals from various parts of the body to generate detailed cross-sectional images


34 MRI safety considerations The magnetic field used in MRI are very strong – 30,000 times the strength of the earth’s magnetic field. Because the magnet coils are cooled to liquid helium temperatures (4 K), they are usually kept on all the time Because the magnetic field is on, all iron and steel objects must not be allowed to enter the room.

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