1 Computer Science & Engineering While Standing On One Foot Elliot Soloway CSE, CoE, UM.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Computer Science & Engineering While Standing On One Foot Elliot Soloway CSE, CoE, UM."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Computer Science & Engineering While Standing On One Foot Elliot Soloway CSE, CoE, UM

2 2 Today’s Story What are the major areas of CSE? What are the areas of impact of CSE?

3 3 Ask the Experts 1

4 4 Ask the Experts 2

5 5 My Personal View ( Toda y) Languages Manage complexity Systems Reliability Theory Encryption Software Engineering Manage complexity Artificial Intelligence Smart machines Human- Computer Interaction Usability Networks Make connections Hardware Ubiquity

6 6 Programming Languages: Manage Complexity

7 7 Theory Encryption

8 8 Artificial Intelligence Smart Machines

9 9

10 10 Networks: Make Connections - Plumbing

11 11 Networks: Make Connections - End User Support

12 12 Operating Systems: Reliability

13 13 Software Engineering Manage Complexity

14 14 Human-Computer Interaction Usability

15 15 Hardware: Ubiquity

16 16 The Past is NOT a Predictor of the Future

17 17 The Past is NOT a Predictor of the Future Exponential Growth TODAY- 2 cores 2011- 80 cores

18 18 Disruptive Technologies

19 19 Disruptive Technologies

20 20 Disruptive Technologies

21 21 Disruptive Technologies

22 22 Disruptive Technologies

23 23 Disruptive Technologies

24 24 Disruptive Technologies

25 25 Disruptive Technologies

26 26 Identify 10 companies (e.g., youTube, facebook, Cisco, Disney) that are “players” in the technology world Fill out the following template for each of the companies: Company Name, Products CEO Name, CEO educational background 2 “interesting” facts about the CEO 2 “interesting” financial facts (revenue, investment, etc.)

27 27 Impact On… Everything

28 28 Scaling UP!

29 29 The Innovator’s Dilemma

30 30 Mini-Summary Done: Areas in CSE Next: Realizing CSE –2 Challenges

31 31 UM EECS

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