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Culture. Read each statement. Write disagree or agree for each statement. Susi Teutsch (Austria): Culture to me is like part of the backpack everyone.

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Presentation on theme: "Culture. Read each statement. Write disagree or agree for each statement. Susi Teutsch (Austria): Culture to me is like part of the backpack everyone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culture

2 Read each statement. Write disagree or agree for each statement. Susi Teutsch (Austria): Culture to me is like part of the backpack everyone is carrying. Sometimes it can be heavy and stops you from doing certain things but it also carries the necessary stuff you need for living.” “Culture is the basic thing in every country. It means everything…history, past, present, future, traditions, beliefs, religion, etc.“ Irene De La Fuente (Spain): “Culture among countries is the most interesting thing that we have. We have different ideas, thinking, religions etc. We are human beings and we can understand each other if we have a free soul and an open mind.” Mona Mughram Al-Ghamdi (Saudi Arabia): “Culture to me is the traditions, values and beliefs of a group of people that travels through generations.” Corinne Timmis (UK): “Although culture can sometimes be the cause of separation, it should be cherished and bring individuals together.” Rachida Abdellaoui (Netherlands): “Unfortunately, culture is that one thing that divides us instead of uniting us into being a little part of mankind.” Kate (UK): “Your culture is the way you are raised. It can be different between people of the same nationality.” Aisha Al-Kharusi (Oman): “Culture is shaped by our tradition, history and religion. You carry it with you to influence others and for it to be influenced by other cultures.” Fatema Abuidrees (Saudi Arabia): “It is the building block of our personality.” Alia Al-Lawati (Oman): “Culture is based on our history and ancestors. It creates our initial personalities but does not necessarily need to act as our finale.”

3 Noor Al-Wahaibi (Oman): “Culture is the basic thing in every country. It means everything…history, past, present, future, traditions, beliefs, religion, etc.“

4 Irene De La Fuente (Spain): “Culture among countries is the most interesting thing that we have. We have different ideas, thinking, religions etc. We are human beings and we can understand each other if we have a free soul and an open mind.”

5 Rachida Abdellaoui (Netherlands): “Unfortunately, culture is that one thing that divides us instead of uniting us into being a little part of mankind.”

6 Fatema Abuidrees (Saudi Arabia): “It is the building block of our personality.” Culture is a mask. It hides a person’s true identity

7 Definition of culture Culture refers to the knowledge, language values and customs and physical objects that are shared by members of a society. Material: skyscrapers, computers and cars. Nonmaterial: rules, customs, laws and capitalist economy.

8 Society Society is defined as a group of people who live in a defined territory and participate in a common culture. Culture is that society’s way of life. Basic elements of culture are language, symbols, values and norms. Culture is learned and shared.

9 Symbols “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean-neither more nor less” from Lewis Carolls The Looking Glass Symbols – a thing that stands for or represents something else. Different Cultures interpret symbols differently. Symbols can range from physical objects to sounds, smells and taste. Symbols help make up language.

10 Symbols Ex. Confederate Flag. Our culture determines the value we place on the object etc. Wedding Ring vs. a Stapler

11 How are language and culture related? It allows us to create culture. Humans can pass on their experiences, ideas and knowledge to others.

12 The Sapir-Whorf Hyothesis The theory that our idea of reality depends largely on our language. Since languages differ, so do perceptions For example, Eskimos(Inuit) have over 20 words for snow. The English language only have a few words. Exposure to a new language can alter a person’s perception.

13 Proverbs The pen is mightier than the ________. Better safe than ____________. It always darkest before the _______. Don’t bite the hand that__________. No news is good __________. If you lie down with dogs, you’ll_______.

14 Proverbs A penny saved is a penny__________. Non are so blind as __________. Children should be seen and not_________. Better late than ___________.

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