Library Classification Mrs. Woodard 2005. Do we do Dewey?

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Presentation on theme: "Library Classification Mrs. Woodard 2005. Do we do Dewey?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Library Classification Mrs. Woodard 2005

2 Do we do Dewey?

3 Dewey Duck???

4 No. That’s not what I mean…

5 Do we do Dewey in the media center? Yes. We use Melville Dewey’s organizing system for Non-fiction books It works, it has been around for more than a century.

6 Melville Dewey Melville Dewey (1851-1931) Melville Dewey was the creator of the Dewey Decimal System, which is still used in most school and public libraries across the country. It is the most widely used classification system in the world. It organizes nonfiction books into 10 general subject areas. Melville Dewey published the Dewey Decimal System in 1876. He was a founding member of the American Library Association and founded the first library school at Columbia in 1887. Here are some more links to learn more about the Dewey Decimal System: tm

7 Dewey Decimal Subjects 000 General Knowledge (museums, libraries) 100 Psychology and Philosophy (feelings, friends, superstitions) 200 Religions and Mythology 300 Social Sciences and Folklore (customs, government, money) 400 Languages and Grammar 500 Math and Science (animals, planets, weather, plants) 600 Medicine and Technology (pets, human body, nutrition) 700 Arts and Recreation (sports, drawing, crafts, music) 800 Literature (poetry, plays, writing) 900 Geography and History

8 It’s on a spine label like this The Dewey classification number tells you the shelf that the book is on The first three letters of the authors last name 021 Bak

9 It’s in the online catalog like this… 021 B

10 Under the words ‘Call Number’ The Dewey classification number ‘B’ stands for the author’s last name

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