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The Old Science of Politics Plato and the City’s Highest Good.

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Presentation on theme: "The Old Science of Politics Plato and the City’s Highest Good."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Old Science of Politics Plato and the City’s Highest Good

2 The Old Science of Politics? Contrasted with the “New Science of Politics”— term used by multiple theorists from the 18 th Century forward Term borrowed from Eric Voegelin Used to describe the general synthesis of classical Western Political thought

3 What is the Old Science of Politics? Politics—from  (politeia) ‘city’ All cities are ordered communities of some kind Politics concerns those things having to do with ordered communities Classical thinkers primarily concerned with the  telos (‘good’ or ‘end’) of ordered communities Thus, Politics is seen as the search for the good in, by, and for ordered communities

4 Central Questions of the Old Science of Politics What is the city? Why do cities exist? What are those things proper to cities? Is there a best way to order cities? If so, what is the best way to order cities?

5 Central Political Concepts Justice In politics, what is the right or best use of power, assignment of authority, and direction of government Politics those things which concern and which are characteristic of ordered communities Human nature since political communities are composed of human beings, we must understand something of human nature to order communities according to their proper telos Government For the Old Science of Politics, the process of steering a city toward a particular telos Power The ability and action either of giving order to a community or steering a community. The power to give order to a community is to Rule; the power to steer a community is to Govern Authority any recognized wielder of power Legitimacy who should have power or authority

6 Plato’s Republic For Plato, the orders of the city reflect the orders of the human soul The human soul shapes the city, and the city shapes the soul A well-ordered soul, therefore, may bring about a well-ordered city Different orders in cities bring about different types of people Some people are better suited to exercise power than others Power, therefore, is best exercised by those who are fit to wield it, i.e. those with well- ordered souls

7 The Problem:

8 The Cave as City Rulers Ruled Punishments Images Rewards Religion Decrees money government

9 Education  ex ducare  to lead out The LIE The TRUTH

10 Plato’s Best City If the highest good is the proper telos of man, then cities must be ordered to lead men to the highest good. The only legitimate ruler, therefore, is the one who seeks the highest good—a lover of wisdom: The Philosopher King Ironically he who seeks the highest good is least of all concerned with the affairs of the city.

11 The corruption of regimes Philosophical Kingship—the One who knows (and loves) the True, the Good, the Beautiful (contemplates the realm of Eternal Forms) Aristocracy—rule by the “best” in the city Timocracy—rule of honor Oligarchy—rule by the few Democracy—rule by the many Tyranny—rule by the ‘usurper’, usually one

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