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Transport In Plants.

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1 Transport In Plants


3 Water Potential The physical property predicting the direction in which water will flow ____________________ Pressure water moves from high water potential to low water potential Solute Concentration


5 Water Potential (a) Left Side Right Side Water moves to the right
Pure Water = 0 Water Potential Right Side Negative Water Potential 0 pressure - solute (has solutes) Water moves to the right

6 Water Potential (b) Left Side Right Side Water is at equilibrium
Pure Water = 0 Water Potential Right Side 0 Water Potential + pressure equal to solute conc. - solute (has solutes) Water is at equilibrium

7 Water Potential (c) Left Side Right Side Water moves to the left
Pure Water = 0 Water Potential Right Side Positive Water Potential + pressure more than solute conc. - solute (has solutes) Water moves to the left

8 Water Potential (d) Left Side Right Side Water moves to the left
Pure Water and Negative Tension Right Side Negative Water Potential 0 pressure - solute (has solutes) Water moves to the left

9 Transport of Xylem Sap Pushing Xylem Guttation Root Pressure
caused by active pumping of minerals into xylem _____________: accumulation of water Guttation

10 Transport of Xylem Sap ______________ Pulling Xylem Transpiration
evaporative loss of H2O from a plant through the stomata


12 Transport of Xylem Sap



15 The Control of Transpiration
______________ turgid - open flaccid - closed Potassium Ions active transport of H+ out of cell causes K+ to move in Guard Cells

16 Stomata Open during the day / Closed at night
first light (blue light receptor) depletion of Carbon Dioxide internal clock (circadian rhythms)

17 Reducing Transpiration
Small, thick leaves Thick cuticle Stomata are recessed Lose their leaves C4 or CAM plants

18 Translocation of Phloem Sap

19 Translocation of Phloem
Phloem Sap 30% sucrose, minerals, amino acids, hormones Transported in sieve-tube members ____________– leaves, tuber or bulbs Sugar sink – growing roots, shoots, fruits Sugar source

20 Pressure Flow and Translocation
Pressure is high Pressure is low Xylem recycles water Allows Phloem sap to flow from source to sink C B

21 Plant Nutrition

22 Uptake of Nutrients Hydroponic
_______________ cultures used to determine which chemical elements are essential. 17 essential elements needed by all plants


24 Soil Develops from weathered rocks Anchors plants Provides water
Provides dissolved minerals

25 Soil Texture Pertains to sizes of soil particles
includes the following: sands ( mm) silt ( mm) clay (less than mm)

26 Soil Composition Made up of sand, silt, clay, rocks, humus, microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, algae, protists, insects, worms, roots) Soil contains a mixture of different sized particles _______ – roughly equal amounts of sand, silt, and clay – most fertile Loams

27 The availability of soil water and minerals

28 The availability of soil water and minerals
Plant takes up water not tied to hydrophilic soil particles Positively charged ions attach to soil H+ help displace minerals attached to soil Roots add H+ to the soil directly and through the release of ____ (reacts with water to form carbonic acid) CO2

29 The availability of soil water and minerals

30 Soil Conservation Fertilizers (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium)

31 The Nation that Destroys Its Soil Destroys Itself – Franklin D
The Nation that Destroys Its Soil Destroys Itself – Franklin D. Roosevelt 1937

32 Loss of Topsoil 1930’s “_____________”
Black Blizzards 1930’s “_____________” Due to inappropriate farming in late 1800’s and early 1900’s Wheat and cattle farming Droughts Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath 30% of world’s farmlands have reduced production due to poor soil conditions.

33 Nitrogen Fixation

34 Nitrogen Fixation Plants absorb nitrogen in the form of nitrate
_____________ and ammonifying bacteria produce ammonium Ammonium is shifted to nitrate by nitrifying bacteria Plants shift nitrate back to ammonium for use Nitrogen-fixing

35 Nitrogen Fixation

36 Unusual Nutritional Adaptations in Plants - Epiphytes

37 Unusual Nutritional Adaptations in Plants - Mistletoe

38 Unusual Nutritional Adaptations in Plants – Venus Fly Traps

39 Unusual Nutritional Adaptations in Plants – Pitcher Plants

40 Unusual Nutritional Adaptations in Plants - Sundews

41 Control Systems in Plants

42 Plant Hormones Coordinates growth Coordinates development
Coordinates responses to environmental stimuli

43 Plant Hormones Auxin (IAA) Cytokinins Gibberllins Abscisic Acid
Ethylene Oligogaccharins Brassinosteroids

44 Auxins Stimulates stem elongation Stimulates root growth
Stimulates differentiation and branching Stimulates development of fruit Stimulates apical dominance Stimulates phototropism and gravitropism

45 Auxin Control Auxin stimulates growth
Auxin block on right causes cells to elongate and the plant bends left Auxin block on left causes cells to elongate the the plant bends right

46 ___________ Hypothesis
Acid Growth Proton pump stimulated by auxin lower pH of wall H+ activates Enzyme Enzyme breaks hydrogen bonds in cellulose Wall takes up water and elongates

47 Auxin Others Promotes secondary growth by stimulating vascular cambium and secondary xylem Promotes adventitious root at the base of a cut stem Promotes fruit growth without pollination (seedless tomatoes)

48 Cytokinins Stimulates root growth
Stimulates cell division and differentiation (with auxins) more cytokinin - shoot buds develop more auxin - roots develop Stimulates germination Delays Senescence

49 Gibberellins Promotes seed and bud germination
Promotes stem elongation Promotes leaf growth Stimulates flowering and fruits (with auxin)

50 Abscisic Acid Slows growth Closes stomata under water stress
Permits seed dormancy

51 Ethylene Promotes fruit ripening
Controls Abscission (causes leaf loss)

52 Plant Movements Phototropism Gravitropism ____________ Thigmotrophism

53 Plant Movement Rapid Leaf Movement (39.27)
drop in turgor pressure within pulvini sent by action potentials

54 Plant Movement Sleep Movements (39.21)
cells on opposite sides of pulvinus control the movement

55 Daily and Seasonal Responses
Circadian Rhythm Photoperiodism controls flowering (short-day vs. long-day) critical night length

56 Photoperiodic Control

57 Flowering Hormones Experiment indicates the presence of some type of flowering hormone

58 Phytochromes Function as photoreceptors / red (660nm) to far red (730nm) Activates kinases (regulatory proteins)

59 Red vs. Far Red Response

60 Plant Responses to Environmental Stress
Water Deficit Oxygen Deprivation Salt Stress Heat Stress Cold Stress Herbivores

61 Responses to Herbivores
Produce _________ (an amino acid similar to arginine) Recruitment of predatory animals Canavanine

62 Why plants are important?
Food! Humans have domesticated plants for 13,000 years. ____ of all the calories consumed by humans come from six crops: Wheat, Rice, Maize, Potatoes, Cassava, and Sweet Potatoes. Also, we use plants to feed cattle, 5-7kg to produce 1 kg of beef. 80%

63 Pyramid of Net Productivity

64 Plants remove CO2 64

65 Only 5,000 of 290,000 species have been studied.
_____ of all US Prescription Drugs contain one or more active ingredients from plants. ____ earth’s species will become extinct within the next 100 years (larger than the Permian or Cretaceous) Only 5,000 of 290,000 species have been studied. 3-4 species per hour, 27,000 per year! 25% 50%

66 Cinchona tree Bark contains __________ Grows in the Andes in peru
Used since the early 1600’s to treat malaria quinine

67 Aspirin Acetylsalicylic acid or ASA Dates back to 3000 B.C.
Greek Physician Hippocrates prescribed it. From _____________ and other Salicylate-rich plants (leaves and bark) Scientists at Bayer began investigating acetylsalicylic acid as a less-irritating replacement for standard common salicylate medicines. By 1899, Bayer named it this Aspirin Willow trees

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