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How do I find the answer? Who? How? Why? What? Where? When? How Many? By Linda Polomski.

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Presentation on theme: "How do I find the answer? Who? How? Why? What? Where? When? How Many? By Linda Polomski."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do I find the answer? Who? How? Why? What? Where? When? How Many? By Linda Polomski

2 What sources are available to answer my question? DDDDictionary AAAAtlas EEEEncyclopedia AAAAlmanac CCCCD-Rom IIIInternet PPPPrior Knowledge

3 How do I use each reference source?  Which is/are the best source(s) to help me find the answer ?  The best way to find out how to use each resource is to actually search for information using each resource.  Once I know how to use each resource, I will be able to determine the best source to answer my question.

4 The Dictionary  Uses: how to spell a word correctly, pronounce a word correctly, definition and part-of-speech  Arranged in alphabetical order  Has guide words at the top of the page to help you know the first and last words on the page  An abridged dictionary has fewer words than an unabridged dictionary.

5 The Encyclopedia  Uses: To find factual information  Arranged in alphabetical order  Usually more than one volume long. Index is usually the last volume.  Includes guide words, key words, headings,subheadings and cross references to assist with the location of information  Encyclopedia means circle of learning in ancient Greek.

6 The Atlas  Uses: to locate geographical places around the world. An atlas is a book of maps.  Not always arranged in alphabetical order  To find information easily, you need to use the index at the back of the book

7 The Almanac  Uses: to locate mvu information about mvu subjects, such as history, weather, sports, population, nations of the world, famous people, science, flags of the world, inventions, entertainment, world holidays, business, animals, world events, laws, elections, zip codes and so on…  Not arranged in alphabetical order  The index is in the front of the book  A new edition is published every year

8 Technological Resources  Includes CD-Rom materials and kid-friendly web sites on the Internet such as:  1. Encarta  2.  3.  4.  5.  6. dent_resources/index.html dent_resources/index.html dent_resources/index.html

9 And the answer is …..  Q1. What is an oriel?  A1. A window. Resource used: an unabridged dictionary  Q2. If you were a member of the U.S. Senate, what would your annual salary be?  A2. $141,300 (2001) almanac  Q3. Name 2 rivers in which River Dolphins live?  A3. The Amazon River and the Ganges River. encyclopedia  THINK!!!SEARCH!!!FIND!!!

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