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Objective 15 Word phrases to algebraic expressions ©2002 by R. Villar All Rights Reserved.

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1 Objective 15 Word phrases to algebraic expressions ©2002 by R. Villar All Rights Reserved

2 Word phrases to algebraic expressions To translate words into algebraic expressions, we need to know certain “key words”. Here are the key words for addition and subtraction: + sum, total, more than, increased by, added to, plus, greater than – minus, difference, subtracted by, decreased by, less, less than, subtracted from “less than” and “subtracted from” translate to subtraction in reverse order. Think about this…what number is 2 less than 5? The answer is 3…so you would write 2 less than 5 as 5 – 2

3 Example: Translate “5 increased by a number n” into an algebraic expression. “increased by” translates to + 5 + n Example: Translate “thirteen less than w” into an algebraic expression Remember, “less than” translates to subtraction in reverse order. w – 13 Here are the key words for multiplication and division: multiplied by, product of, twice, doubled, tripled, times, half ÷ divided by, the quotient of

4 “product” translates to multiplication q(r – 2s) “quotient” translates to division 11 ÷ 8 “less than” translates to subtraction in reverse order w – 3 This statement contains 2 “key phrases”... “times” translates to multiplication and “increased by” translates to addition 7e + 11 Examples: Write in symbols. a. The product of q and (r – 2s) b. The quotient of 11 and 8 c. 3 less than w d. Seven times a number e increased by 11.

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