Strategic Planning Process October 3, 2011 Jason Cox Chief Technical Officer Cox Machine, Inc.

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1 Strategic Planning Process October 3, 2011 Jason Cox Chief Technical Officer Cox Machine, Inc.

2 Aerospace components and assemblies since 1954 150 employees ~22M sales Machining in Wichita, KS Sheet-metal in Harper, KS Major customers Spirit, Cessna, Vought, Gulfstream, HBC, Boeing

3 Strategic Planning Process (TLD 1-1-1) Strategic planning is the first step in the development of our accountability efforts and includes the process of defining the following questions: Where are we? What do we have to work with? Where do we want to be? How do we get there? This process is undertaken by our Senior Leadership Team and division management, offsite, every three (3) years and reviewed for consistency annually by the Senior Leadership Team.

4 Strategic Planning Process SWOT Driving Forces Future Profile Gap Analysis Where are we? What do we have to work with? Where do we want to be? How do we get there?

5 Strategic Planning Process (TLD 1-1-1) 4.1Initial Meeting Agenda - Outlining the following: Date of the meeting Homework due prior to the meeting for the participants Identify our “Driving Force” for the company Read Chapter 6 in The New Strategic Thinking and assign each person a driving force to present for 2 minutes to the group. Create a “Current Profile” Each person to complete a Current Profile to describe the business today. It should define the company’s products, customers/users, industry segments, and markets. (Administrator) Collect these and put everyone’s answers on to one page before the meeting. Completing a SWOT Each person to complete a SWOT to describe the business today. It should include strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. (Administrator) Collect these and put everyone’s answers on to one page before the meeting.

6 Strategic Planning Process (TLD 1-1-1) Welcome, introductions, desired outcomes Create drawings of current state Review of “Current Profile” and “SWOT” This step addresses the questions “Where are we?” (current profile) and “What do we have to work with?” Discuss “Driving Forces” and vote (vision statement) Discuss “Future Profile” and presentations This step answers, “Where do we want to be?” (future profile). Select “Future Profile” Gap Analysis – difference of current and future state “How do we get there?” Critical Issues – threats of the SWOT Conclusion

7 Strategic Planning Process (TLD 1-1-1) Complete and distribute the Strategic Planning Process meeting notes to each participant Identify Action Steps Strategic Filter Discuss and agree on filter to include, driving force (vision), products and services (capability and capacity), customer (preferred opportunities/ customers), and investment (financial expectations). Company Scorecard

8 SWOT Template

9 Three-year Strategic Plan

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