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New Religious Movements Or Cults and Sects. Sects  A sect:  demands greater conformity of its members than a church  is exclusive in membership  distances.

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Presentation on theme: "New Religious Movements Or Cults and Sects. Sects  A sect:  demands greater conformity of its members than a church  is exclusive in membership  distances."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Religious Movements Or Cults and Sects

2 Sects  A sect:  demands greater conformity of its members than a church  is exclusive in membership  distances itself from the concerns of larger society  claims to be the bearer of religious truth

3 Cults  A cult:  is founded by a charismatic leader who remains the focus of the followers  normally claims a new revelation from God  demands a high level of conformity by its members  is viewed with extreme suspicion by established religious communities

4 New Religious Movements  New  Understood as a recent development relative to older established religions

5 New Religious Movements  Religious  It must involve myths, rituals, beliefs, symbols, sacred texts, etc.  Its overall aim must be religious in nature, that is, offering a form of salvation either in this life or the next.

6 New Religious Movements  Movement (can be understood in two ways)  It generally grows out of a current that moves within a wider organization, or within society as a whole.  It is in motion. It is in the process of changing or evolving.  Mormonism’s position on polygamy  Jehovah Witness rejection of Christian celebrations in the 1930’s

7 Examples of New Religious Movements - Mormonism  Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons)  Founded by Joseph Smith in Palmyra, New York  In 1827 he received a revelation from the prophet Mormon. The prophet showed the text of the book of Mormon inscribed on two golden tablets.

8 Jehovah Witnesses  Founded by Charles Taze Russell in the late19 th century  Predicted return of Christ in 1879  Rejected fundamental Christian beliefs such as the doctrine of the Trinity and the divinity of Christ

9 Christian Scientist  Founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1875.  Rejected the Trinity and all sacramentalism  Reality exists only through the spiritual. Other aspects of matter and mankind are unreal and illusory.  Evil is an illusion

10 The Unification Church (Moonies)  Founded by Sung Myung Moon in 1954 in Seoul, Korea  Claimed a direct revelation from God directing him to continue the work that Jesus failed to complete  Believes communication with the spirits of dead  Well known for its mass marriage ceremonies  Openly uses its operations for the acquisition of wealth

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