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7th December 2005 “ Be Fruitful and Multiply” (Ge 28:1) City of Truth Church Breakthrough.

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Presentation on theme: "7th December 2005 “ Be Fruitful and Multiply” (Ge 28:1) City of Truth Church Breakthrough."— Presentation transcript:

1 7th December 2005 “ Be Fruitful and Multiply” (Ge 28:1) City of Truth Church Breakthrough

2 To move people on to God’s Agenda “Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Mt 6:33) City of Truth Church Breakthrough

3 Other objectives: To win non-believers to Christ and turn the hearts of back-sliders back to our Lord Jesus Christ To disciple new Christians To equip leaders for ministry To train and send out missionaries to the nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ To recruit builders for His church To be the Church for Professionals and business people at the market place and their families, to help them know God in a deeper way through His Word and to meet the spiritual, emotional, social and physical needs of the Community. “Its not by might, not by power but by His Spirit.” (Zech 4:6) City of Truth Church Breakthrough

4 “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.” (Jn 6:63) “The blessing of the Lord brings wealth and he adds no trouble to it.” (Prv 10:22) “I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. With me are riches and honour, enduring wealth and prosperity.” (Prv 8:18) Breakthrough Business Fellowship – every Thursday at 12 noon Business entrepreneurs and professionals congregate every Thursday at lunchtime to network and to build strategic alliance with one another to grow their business and to learn God’s Word of Biblical success for their business. City of Truth Church Breakthrough

5 Every Tuesday evening: Bible study on His Word for spiritual empowerment in the Market- place. 1st Semester Jan-March: Pastoral Counselling – Leaders, Business professionals and entrepreneurs, business consultants and counselors should attend. 2nd Semester May: Spiritual Formation Course by Rev. Weldyn Houger from America. City of Truth Church Breakthrough

6 To sustain the existing size of Breakthrough Business Fellowship (now we have 71 members in our network) and to mobilize them to attend regularly. To grow this Ministry to 200 by the year 2007. To develop our School of Ministry for Tuesday evening for business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals. City of Truth Church Breakthrough

7 (A) To develop the Youth Ministry which has now been pioneered by Sis. Alila (B) To have a Chinese Ministry and a Children’s Ministry in our Church. City of Truth Church Breakthrough

8 Exhortation by Ps. Sylvester from Nigeria Ps. Begbie from South Africa Testimony time Bro. Raymond Choy Sis. Clair Ng Key-note speaker: Rev. Vicky Adams from South Carolina City of Truth Church Breakthrough

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