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Family Feud. Family Feud Rules 1. Six teams will be competing for the right to be declared “brilliant.” 2. Each team will have a spokesperson that will.

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Presentation on theme: "Family Feud. Family Feud Rules 1. Six teams will be competing for the right to be declared “brilliant.” 2. Each team will have a spokesperson that will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family Feud

2 Family Feud Rules 1. Six teams will be competing for the right to be declared “brilliant.” 2. Each team will have a spokesperson that will deliver the answer. 3. The moderator will read a question to all six teams. 4. Teams may buzz in at any point during the reading of the question. 5. The buzzer-man will identify the group that buzzes in first. 6. The recognized team will have ten seconds to answer.

3 Family Feud Rules 7. If the judges rule the answer correct, a point will be awarded. 8. If the judges rule the answer incorrect, the buzzer system will be cleared and the question reread to all remaining groups. 9. If one of the remaining teams buzzes in and gets the question correct, they are awarded a point. 10. If the question is missed for a second time, it will be tossed out. 11. The team with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner. 12. If two or more teams are tied at the end, a tie breaking question will be asked.

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