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Review of Interventions Received after May14 th by Various Stakeholders.

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1 Review of Interventions Received after May14 th by Various Stakeholders

2 Is 7 Years Monitoring Adequate? Issue raised by Hamlet of Arctic Bay, Acres, Environment Canada, NTI, INAC and DFO, with reference to DEW Line sites. Numerous Nanisivik facilities have already been monitored for decades (e.g. landfill runoff ) and hence, not a valid comparison to the “newly” constructed DEW line landfill facilities. Current “commitment” is to 2+5 = 7 years acknowledging that “end date” may be open. Seven years adequate to establish trends for comparison to expectations.

3 Concrete foundations to be covered? Issue raised by Hamlet of Arctic Bay, Acres and INAC. Commitment to inspect the physical condition of two concrete slabs and investigate if potential for contamination is indicated below slab. If any contamination is found under the concrete, then a range of remediation options exists, including removal or cover. Exposing contaminants to the environment for removal can have issues that are greater to leaving in-place and monitoring. The mill slab and any contaminants there will be frozen under the 2.2 metre thermal barrier cover.

4 Samples of shale and sand and gravel? Issue raised by Hamlet of Arctic Bay. Samples have been brought to Public Hearing for inspection. Shale is “fissile” (breaks easily) while Twin Lakes “sand and gravel” is a very durable material.

5 Is it feasible to transfer tailings to the underground mine? Issue raised by Hamlet of Arctic Bay. To provide some perspective: moving 20 Million tonnes of tailings into the WTDA took 25 years with a pump operating at designed capacity on a 24/7 basis 350 days of the year Majority of tailings are frozen in place - would not be possible to reverse “flow” downhill as suggested. Thawing and slurrying tailings would impose significant risks both at WTDA and to the underground permafrost regime. Drilling and blasting, haulage of frozen materials would not be economically feasible Underground tailings would be encapsulated in frozen material - at the WTDA tailings will be encapsulated in frozen materials “Tailings” are ground waste rock and ore

6 Water Sampling at Twin Lakes? Issue raised by Hamlet of Arctic Bay. Samples are collected every day when water is released from the Tailings Area into Twin Lakes Creek and is only released when the water quality is acceptable. Now that the mine has closed there will be no further addition of “tailings” water and was quality is expected to improve Samples are also collected from many other locations around the Twin Lakes every week to check their quality. This will continue throughout the closure monitoring period.

7 PCB’s and ANFO Plant Issue raised by Hamlet of Arctic Bay and INAC. All PCB wastes will be removed from the site 2004 and shipped to a destruction facility. The active PCB transformers will be stored and shipped in 2006 (to High Lake). Samples from under the PCB storage container will be analysed for PCB’s. Samples from the ANFO plant remediation will be analysed for ammonia and other nitrogen compounds.

8 Contingency plans for failures after reclamation? Issue raised by Hamlet of Arctic Bay. Contingency plans have been developed for each of the major reports submitted. CanZinco is responsible for all contingency work until long term stability of the site has been determined.

9 Monitoring at Kuhulu Lake? Issue raised by Hamlet of Arctic Bay and Environment Canada. The fish in Kuhulu Lake were tested in 2003 and found to be healthy - not contaminated with metals from the mine. Water sampling at the inlet and outlet of Kuhulu Lake is proposed and will include: total metals, TSS, pH, temperature and conductivity.

10 Is a 1.25 m cover sufficient? Issue raised by Hamlet of Arctic Bay. The proposed 1.25 m is an overestimate of the needed cover thickness. Actual field data was collected at the mine from a test cover area that indicated 0.9 m thickness would be sufficient. The mine data were increased to 1.25 m to allow for a worst case estimate of global warming (as provided by Environment Canada). The cover will be monitored to check that it is sufficient.

11 Comprehensive Schedule for Reclamation Activities Issue raised by Acres. A preliminary Integrated Reclamation Schedule has been provided for the Public Hearing. Reclamation work is scheduled to occur over two “summers” - 2004 and 2005. It is expected that schedule details will be adjusted as required as the work is undertaken.

12 General covering of soils Issue raised by Acres. In areas where contaminated soil has been removed, no covering is required. Only the two concrete floors (concentrate shed and mill) are proposed to be covered. All areas will be contoured after excavation of soils to provide for a safe land surface and to restore natural drainage patterns wherever possible.

13 Sealing of Underground Openings Issue raised by Acres and INAC. An engineering design report for sealing underground openings will be provided by CanZinco by November 30 th, 2004. This will include a proposed monitoring program for physical stability and an updated assessment of surface stability. As part of the progressive reclamation process and as required under the Mines Safety Act - some underground openings on the property have already been closed and inspected by Mines Safety.

14 Instrumentation Contingency Plan During Closure Period Issue raised by Acres. A professional geotechnical engineer will continue to provide recommendations to CanZinco with respect to type and number of instruments. If instruments are damaged or destroyed, the engineer will advise CanZinco as to whether instrument should be repaired or replaced.

15 Reclamation of Town, Industrial Complex and Dock Areas Issue raised by Acres, GN and NTI. The plan is to remove all CanZinco owned structures; other structures are at the discretion of their owners; GN has indicated that they wish to discuss incorporating their structures with CanZinco’s for teardown. A preliminary schedule has been provided. A database management system is in place to track the volumes, source locations and disposal locations for wastes materials.

16 East Adit Treatment Facility Issue raised by Acres. The EATF will remain on a standby status until it is demonstrated that it is no longer needed. A report on the EATF that includes a wrap up of water quality information will be provided prior to its removal.

17 Monitoring in Strathcona Sound Issue raised by Acres. An Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) Program is required under the Fisheries Act, as authorized by Environment Canada. CanZinco has proposed a program to Environment Canada that includes sampling in Strathcona Sound.

18 Mine Roads Issue raised by Acres and DFO. Restoration of water crossings will be performed in a manner to prevent erosion. The causeway across Twin Lakes Creek will be removed. A driveable surface will be provided across the West Twin Creek that will allow ATV access to the East Adit, Kuhulu Lake and Oceanview areas for monitoring. CanZinco can not commit to providing maintenance of a long term road for private vehicles as this conflicts with the reclamation plan.

19 Water Monitoring at Landfill Issue raised by Environment Canada and INAC. All parameters for gasoline, diesel and oils will be analysed in the Reclamation Period in the toe seepage, location NML-26. If elevated concentrations are identified there, then downgradient locations, NML- 29 and NML-30, will be sampled. Contingency Plan is provided in the Plan.

20 Other Q’s from INAC/DFO Copies of quarterly and annual monitoring reports will be provided to the Hamlet Council of Arctic Bay. CanZinco does not own the dock - reclamation (if required) will be the responsibility of the Federal Government.

21 Physical Stability in Reclaimed Areas Issue raised by DFO. All reclaimed areas, including along Twin Lakes Creek, are part of the proposed monitoring inspections for assessment of physical stability.

22 Quarry Buffer Zone Issue raised by DFO. CanZinco will maintain a 50 m buffer zone between all quarries and all adjacent water bodies.

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