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A Novel Multicast Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Zeyad M. Alfawaer, GuiWei Hua, and Noraziah Ahmed American Journal of Applied Sciences 4:

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Presentation on theme: "A Novel Multicast Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Zeyad M. Alfawaer, GuiWei Hua, and Noraziah Ahmed American Journal of Applied Sciences 4:"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Novel Multicast Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Zeyad M. Alfawaer, GuiWei Hua, and Noraziah Ahmed American Journal of Applied Sciences 4: p333 – p338, 2007 Presented by Tzu-Cheng Hsieh, OPLab, IM, NTU 2007/8/13

2 Agenda Introduction Multicast with Hybrid Swarm Intelligence Mobile Ad Hoc Network with Hybrid Swarm Intelligence (MANHSI) Results and Discussion Conclusion OPLab, IM, NTU22016/5/30

3 Agenda Introduction Multicast with Hybrid Swarm Intelligence Mobile Ad Hoc Network with Hybrid Swarm Intelligence (MANHSI) Results and Discussion Conclusion OPLab, IM, NTU32016/5/30

4 Introduction (1/3) In mobile ad hoc networks, how to achieve the multicast communication is a challenging task due to the fact that the topology may change frequently and communication links may be broken because of users’ mobility. Many multicast protocols for ad hoc networks have been proposed. Some protocols still rely on constructing a tree spanning all group members, which is not robust enough when the network becomes more dynamic with less reliable wireless links. OPLab, IM, NTU42016/5/30

5 Introduction (2/3) In contrast, many proposed protocols have data packets transmitted into more than one link, and allow packets to be received on links that are not branches of a multicast tree. These protocols fall into a category of mesh-based protocols in that group connectivity is formed as a mesh rather than a tree to increase robustness. As the extreme, flooding provides the most robust, but inefficient mechanism since a multicast packet will be forwarded to every node, while tree-based approach offers efficiency but is not robust enough to be used in highly dynamic environments. OPLab, IM, NTU52016/5/30

6 Introduction (3/3) This paper develops a novel multicast routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks that adopts swarm intelligence to reduce the number of nodes used to establish multicast connectivity, which allows multicast connections of lower total costs to be learned over time. OPLab, IM, NTU62016/5/30

7 Agenda Introduction Multicast with Hybrid Swarm Intelligence Mobile Ad Hoc Network with Hybrid Swarm Intelligence (MANHSI) Results and Discussion Conclusion OPLab, IM, NTU72016/5/30

8 Multicast with Hybrid Swarm Intelligence (1/2) Swarm intelligence refers to complex behaviors that arise from simple interactions among individuals, such as ants, but often achieves global optimization objectives. Similarly, MANHSI utilizes small control packets equivalent to ants in the physical world. These packets, traveling like biological ants, deposit control information at nodes they visit similar to the way ants laying pheromone trails. The information, in turn, affects the behavior of other ant packets. OPLab, IM, NTU82016/5/30

9 Multicast with Hybrid Swarm Intelligence (2/2) During the lifetime of the multicast session, the forwarding set which is a set of intermediate nodes will evolve, by means of swarm intelligence, over time into states that yield lower cost. OPLab, IM, NTU92016/5/30

10 Agenda Introduction Multicast with Hybrid Swarm Intelligence Mobile Ad Hoc Network with Hybrid Swarm Intelligence (MANHSI) Results and Discussion Conclusion OPLab, IM, NTU102016/5/30

11 MANSHI (1/10) MANSHI is an on-demand multicast routing protocol that creates a multicast connection among group members by determining a set of intermediate nodes that serve as forwarding nodes. The protocol exploits a core-based technique where each member joins the group via the core node to establish a connection with the other group members. The first member who becomes an active source (i.e., starts sending data to the group) takes the role of the core and announces its existence to the others by flooding the network with a CORE ANNOUNCE packet. OPLab, IM, NTU112016/5/30

12 MANSHI (2/10) Each member node then relies on this announcement to reactively establish initial connectivity by sending a JOIN REQUEST ack to the core via the reverse path. Nodes who receive a JOIN REQUEST dressed to themselves become forwarding nodes of the group. To maintain connectivity and allow new members to join, the core floods CORE ANNOUNCE periodically as long as there are more data to be sent. OPLab, IM, NTU122016/5/30


14 MANSHI (4/10) Note that the cost is considered on a per-node basis, not per-link. The cost associated with each node can represent different measurements, depending on the desired properties of the forwarding set. For instance, if we aim to reduce the number of nodes in the forwarding set for efficient data forwarding, the cost associated with each node could be one. OPLab, IM, NTU142016/5/30

15 MANSHI (5/10) OPLab, IM, NTU152016/5/30 Cost = 6 Cost = 4

16 MANSHI (6/10) Each member who is not the core periodically deploys a small packet, called a FORWARD ANT, that opportunistically explores different, and hopefully better paths toward the core. If a FORWARD ANT arrives at a node who is currently serving as a forwarding node for the group, the ant turns itself into a BACKWARD ANT and travels back to its originator via the reverse path. OPLab, IM, NTU162016/5/30


18 MANSHI (8/10) OPLab, IM, NTU182016/5/30

19 MANSHI (9/10) To prevent the race condition where members attempt to establish group connectivity via one other’s forwarding path and nobody remains connected to the core, each forwarding node is associated with a height which is identical to the highest ID of the nodes that use it to connect to the core. A FORWARD ANT must stop and turn into a BACKWARD ANT to only when if encounters a forwarding node whose height is higher than the ID of the member who originated the ant. OPLab, IM, NTU192016/5/30

20 MANSHI (10/10) OPLab, IM, NTU202016/5/30 ID = 8 ID = 6 h = 8 h = 6

21 Agenda Introduction Multicast with Hybrid Swarm Intelligence Mobile Ad Hoc Network with Hybrid Swarm Intelligence (MANHSI) Results and Discussion Conclusion OPLab, IM, NTU212016/5/30

22 Results and Discussion (1/6) Ten random networks were generated with 50 nodes uniformly distributed over a terrain of size 1000*1000 m 2. Each node was equipped with a radio transceiver which was capable of transmitting signal up to approximately 250 meters over a 2 Mbps wireless channel. For each network, a multicast group of 5 members was setup, where each member generated a constant bit rate traffic at 2 packets/second to the group for 20 minutes. The cost of each node was set to one. OPLab, IM, NTU222016/5/30

23 Results and Discussion (2/6) The first set of experiments was setup without mobility to study how MANSHI maintains forwarding sets in static environments. For comparison purposes, we used two base line protocols: FLOOD and CORE, as references. FLOOD is a simple flooding protocol where a data packet is rebroadcast by every node in the network. CORE is generic core-based protocol that operates exactly like MANSHI, but without ants deployed, where CORE ANNOUNCE are periodically flooded as usual. OPLab, IM, NTU232016/5/30

24 Results and Discussion (3/6) OPLab, IM, NTU242016/5/30

25 Results and Discussion (4/6) OPLab, IM, NTU252016/5/30

26 Results and Discussion (5/6) OPLab, IM, NTU262016/5/30

27 Results and Discussion (6/6) OPLab, IM, NTU272016/5/30

28 Agenda Introduction Multicast with Hybrid Swarm Intelligence Mobile Ad Hoc Network with Hybrid Swarm Intelligence (MANHSI) Results and Discussion Conclusion OPLab, IM, NTU282016/5/30

29 Conclusion (1/2) Inspired by swarm intelligence, we have introduced an alternative approach called MANSHI to solving the multicast rotating problem in mobile ad hoc networks. Unlike other core-based protocols, MANSHI does not always rely on the shortest paths between the core and the members to establish group connectivity. Instead, each member who is not the core periodically deploys a small packet that behaves like an ant to opportunistically explore different paths. OPLab, IM, NTU292016/5/30

30 Conclusion (2/2) This exploring mechanism enables the protocol to discover paths that comprise a better set of forwarding nodes yielding a lower total cost of data forwarding. The simulation results have shown that MANSHI performs both effectively and efficiently in static or low- mobility environments, yet still effectively in highly dynamic environments. OPLab, IM, NTU302016/5/30

31 OPLab, IM, NTU312016/5/30 The End. Thanks for your listening!

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