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Discovering the Triangle of Life In the beginning, there was the one GOD.

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3 Discovering the Triangle of Life

4 In the beginning, there was the one GOD

5 He then separatedHimselffromHimself

6 From Him emerged NATURE Then came & From Man emerged SOCIETY



9 However through the passage of time, Man got busy with himself. The relationship between God, Society and Man underwent a change. Man considered himself as different from Society and God different from Society and himself. Thus the following distortion.


11 The journey from the individual (Vyashti) to the Godhead (Parameshti) is accomplished through the Bhakthi Marga – the path of Devotion. Bhakthi or devotion is pure love expressed by the individual for the Lord. The journey from the individual (Vyashti) to the society (Samashti) is accomplished through the Karma Marga – the path of Action. Action in its noblest form is termed as Pavithra Karma which is action done with absolute selflessness expecting no rewards in return and done as an offering to the Lord.

12 As the relation between the three elements underwent further change, the Triangle of Life got distorted into the following:

13 SPLIT PERSONALITY (1) Here, Man has one relationship with God and another with Society. Thus breaking the link between God and Society.

14 THE ISOSCELES TRIANGLE (2) Here man has a close relationship with Society but has kept God far from himself and from Society. He is service oriented but his motivation is not God. Hence it is difficult to sustain the motivation because Man has to turn to God at some point of time or the other.

15 INVERTED ISOSCELES (3) In the above case, Man has a close relationship with God, but has kept Society far from himself. He gets engaged in rites and rituals and forgets his duties towards Society. If everyone does this then the Society cannot function because of the interdependent nature of Society and Man.

16 The ultimate aim of the Triangle of Life is to converge back into the original form. For this we must start with an Equilateral Triangle, ie, same distance between each of the three elements - God, Man and Society. Now, we suggest two methods :  Diminishing Side Method.  Angle of Ignorance Method.

17 DIMINISHING SIDE METHOD Here the aim is to reduce the distance between each of the elements equally. The triangle collapses inwards and ultimately the three vertices converge into each other.


19 ANGLE OF IGNORANCE METHOD As the distance between God and Society increases, the angle of ignorance tends to 180 degrees. The method of reducing this angle is called the Angle of Ignorance Method.


21 RECOMMENDED PATH OF ACTION The following solutions are based on Bhagwan’s teachings.

22 CONSTANT INTEGRATED AWARENESS Constant Integrated Awareness is going through life always keeping the Total Picture in view. Seeing GodIn EverythingEverywhereAll the Time ONE

23 TWO Daiva Preeti [Love for God]. Papa Bheeti [Fear of Sin]. Sanga Neeti [Morality in Society]. When we have love for God, we will automatically have fear of sin. When we love someone, we would like to do all that he loves. Thus we come back to the first method.

24 THREE PERIODIC INTEGRATED AWARENESS Let us try to think of God, if not in every activity, at some periodic intervals during the day. Gradually increase the frequency, thus ultimately leading to Constant Integrated Awareness.

25 FOUR Every night think of the person whom you love the most. Go through every event that happened during the day and ask yourself : What if that person were to be there ? Would I do the thing that I did ? WHAT-IF-ANALYSIS




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