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Let’s revise some angles Angles What names of angles do you know? ACUTE RIGHT ANGLE OBTUSEREFLEX Less than 90 o Exactly 90 o Between 90 o and 180 o Between.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s revise some angles Angles What names of angles do you know? ACUTE RIGHT ANGLE OBTUSEREFLEX Less than 90 o Exactly 90 o Between 90 o and 180 o Between."— Presentation transcript:


2 Let’s revise some angles

3 Angles What names of angles do you know? ACUTE RIGHT ANGLE OBTUSEREFLEX Less than 90 o Exactly 90 o Between 90 o and 180 o Between 180 o and 360 o

4 ? reflexright acute obtuse

5 ? reflexright acute obtuse

6 ? reflexright acute obtuse

7 ? reflexright acute obtuse

8 ? reflexright acute obtuse

9 ? reflexright acute obtuse

10 ? reflexright acute obtuse

11 ? reflexright acute obtuse

12 ? reflexright acute obtuse

13 ? reflexright acute obtuse

14 ? reflexright acute obtuse

15 ? reflexright acute obtuse

16 ? reflexright acute obtuse

17 ? reflexright acute obtuse

18 ? reflexright acute obtuse

19 Triangles W.A.L.T. Understand that triangles can be classified according to their properties

20 Triangles W.I.L.F. I will be able to name at least four different triangles and their properties.

21 Where can we find triangles? Have a look around the classroom. How many triangles can you see? What type of triangle do you think they are?

22 Where else can we find triangles? Look at the following pictures. See if you can see any triangles. Which types of triangles can you see?







29 1.Equilateral Triangle (3 sides of equal length) (3 equal angles) 60  A B C

30 2. Isosceles Triangle (2 sides of equal length) (2 equal angles) 40  70  A B C

31 3. Scalene Triangle (3 sides of different length) (3 different angles) 100  35  45  A B C

32 4. Right angled triangle (1 right angle) A B C 50  40 

33 5. Obtuse triangle (1 angle greater than 90°) 110  35  25  A B C

34 6. Acute triangle (all angles less than 90°) 85  65  30  A B C

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