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AT&L Project 3 and Workforce Management Group T eams Update LOG FIPT Lisa P Smith Materiel Readiness Office 703-614-8339 October 19,

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1 AT&L Project 3 and Workforce Management Group T eams Update LOG FIPT Lisa P Smith Materiel Readiness Office Lisa.Smith@OSD.MIL 703-614-8339 October 19, 2012

2 2012 AT&L Project 3  Elevate the status, prestige, and professional standards of acquisition personnel focusing on key leaders  Lead: Honorable Katharina McFarland  Goal: Raise the profile of the AT&L workforce across the Department, including through recognition and reinforcement of the need for high professional standards.  Sub-teams Team 1, Workforce Qualification Team 2, Certification Team 3, Key Leadership Position Team 4, Prestige of Acquisition Workforce

3 Team 3 Key Leadership Position (KLP) Objectives / Approach  Assignment: Develop a list of requirements (competencies, education, training, experience, currency, etc.) for KLPs  Approach: Focus on the mandatory KLPs defined in the AT&L memorandum of August 25, 2010 Seek common traits where possible, indentify unique traits where needed Focus on requirements for “key” (most important) “leaders” (principals in charge); therefore the requirements identified are above those needed for Level III certifications

4 Update to Mr. Kendall’s KLP Memo Aug 2010  In DRAFT; 90% Complete  Provides expanded guidance on KLPs and emphasizes: Programs’ positions are filled by properly qualified members of the Armed Forces or full-time DoD employees KLPs must also have the following qualifications and certifications:  Defense Acquisition Corps Membership  Level III Certification  Advance Tenure Obligations  KLPs require a significant level of authority commensurate with the responsibility and accountability for acquisition program success. 4

5 Update to Mr. Kendall’s KLP Memo Aug 2010 (cont.)  Selection of qualified personnel to fill KLPs is essential Identifies seven requirements to assist with filling KLPs  Education  Experience  Cross functional requirements/qualifications  Tenure  Waivers  Certification and Currency  Selection of KLP Positions Attachment: Specific Career Field KLP Requirements  DoD Instruction 5000.66 will be updated to include KLP requirements 5

6 Part 1: Cross-Functional Requirements Common to All  Level III certified in their respective area  Education: Advance degree (recommended) Senior Service School (recommended)  Experience Candidate or incumbent be GS 14/15 - 05/06 or senior 2 years as a functional mentor (10 hours per year) Cross functional and Broadening assignments/rotations  Competencies: top level skills in four competency areas Executive Leadership: Based on the OPM-established leadership competencies Program Execution Technical Management Business Management  Currency Recognition of need for continuous learning in own functional area, other functional areas, and leadership

7 Part 2: Specific KLP Requirements Life Cycle Logistics  Education: Bachelor’s degree (Required)  Advanced Degree (Desired)  Training: LOG 365 PSM Seminar; ACQ 405 Exec Refresher; or Similar Exec/Strategic Leadership (Required)  Cross-certification at DAWIA Level II or above in PM, SPRDE, or Business/Financial Management (Desired )  Experience: 8 yrs exp LCL with at least 2 yrs in a program office or similar org and 2 yrs supervisory or team lead experience at GS- 13/14/15 level. (Required)  Cross functional/portfolio assignment/rotation. Broadening assignment at Service HQs/OSD/Joint/Industry/Operational/MAJCOM/PEO Staff (Desired)  Competencies: Demonstrated knowledge and proficiency  Currency: 80 hrs CL including 50 hrs LCL or other related functional area course work; 10 hrs leadership – Team reviewing for standardization; Pending action

8 Create the Aura of Prestige, Status and “Fraternity/Sorority” Team Goals/Objectives  Provide Incentives Researching Current Awards Process. Determining Appropriate Incentives. Create a Marketing/Branding for USD AT&L Defense Acquisition Workforce.  Deploy a Strategic Communications Plan (Coordination with Ms. Chau) Develop Overarching Plan/Identify stakeholders. Suggest Overhaul of USD AT&L Website. Defense Acquisition Workforce Wall of Excellence. (Accomplished Sep)  Acquisition Leader/Program of the Quarter.  Create Defense Acquisition Workforce Professional Distinction Establishment of a Defense Acquisition Workforce Professional Association/Organization. Raising the Standards of the Defense Acquisition Corps Requirements/Membership. Defense Acquisition Workforce Wall of Excellence.

9 WMG Team A, B, C & D updates TeamTitle APolicy & DoD Instruction 5000.66 Updates BData, Analytics & Metrics CRecertification & Competency DHuman Capital Strategic Plan

10 WMG Team - A Policy & DoD Instruction 5000.66 Team Purpose/Major Outcomes  Reissue DoDI 5000.66 and incorporate existing policy from DoDD 5000.52 and DoDI 5000.55  Communicate with principle stakeholders throughout process to include Team 3 products and ensure, to extent possible, agreement prior to formal coordination  Improve formatting and usability of 5000.66 by including additional detail within expanded enclosures that facilitate the uniform application of the acquisition workforce policy throughout DoD 10

11  Identified, Prioritized, & Available Enterprise Information  Informed Enterprise Information Consumers  Enterprise Data Integrity and Availability  Enterprise Data and Information Governance “Take ourselves from data rich to information rich.” Vision Outcomes 11 “Ensure Defense Acquisition Workforce leadership has the information they need, when they need it, and how they need it.” Mission WMG Team B - Data & Information Analysis

12  Team Purpose: Develop an approach to ensure the currency and effectively, the recertification of the defense acquisition workforce (DAW), throughout their careers. (Ref: NDAA FY11 Sec 874)  Major Outcomes: Optional courses of action (COAs) to implement recertification for the DAW Regulatory language to incorporate in the revision of DoDI 5000.66 Recommended input to WMG Team D (Human Capital Strategic Plan) effort Potential input to WMG Team B (Data/Analytics/ Metrics) to address metric/data changes required to implement recertification 12 WMG Team - C Recertification & Competency

13  Approach: Characterize Current State of DAW (certification/currency) Identify PROs/CONs of Existing Requirements (Certification/Continuous Learning (CL)/Non-compliance) Review Recertification of other Professions/Professional Orgs  Progress; Analyzed DAW Certification Achievement  50.2% - Past 0 to 5 yrs  65.4% - Post 0 to 9 yrs  16.1% - 10 yrs or more  18.5% - Not certified 13 WMG Team - C Recertification & Competency

14 Reviewed each Service CL approach  AF: Certification clock starts date CL completed  Army: Everyone certifies at same time (1 Oct – 30 Sep)  Navy: Certification date based upon previous certificate date Developed two options (5 yrs vs 6 yrs) for certification renewal frequency; Approval level (supervisor vs manager – 2nd level) FIPTs future actions:  Determine requirement for refresher training to ensure certification currency based on current environment  Determine currency requirements for each certification level  RECOMMENDATION: − Establish DAU and Services Team to make recommendations to FIPT 14 WMG Team - C Recertification & Competency (cont.)

15  Team Purpose/Major Outcomes: August 17 th New Direction from Mr. Kendall – have new Strategic Workforce Plan done in October 2012 Plan will become part of Congressionally mandated DoD Plan due to Congress March 2013  Requirements/Other Actions: Plan must meet requirements of 10 U.S.C 115b The Acquisition Workforce HCSP must be in concert with the overall DoD Human Capital Strategic Plan that is under development by OSD (P&R) and also due to Congress March 2013 WMG Team - D Human Capital Strategic Plan


17 Mr. Kendall’s KLP Memo Aug 2010

18 Part 2: Specific KLP Requirements Unique to Functional Area  Education: Specific functional degree requirements  Training: Courses, certifications, etc.  Experience: Breadth, Depth, Length  Competencies: Most important, top-level, demonstrated knowledge and skills in Executive Leadership Program Execution Technical Management Business Management  Currency Minimum CLPs in own functional area, other functional area, and leadership Maximum amount for certain types of learning (e.g.: conferences)

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