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RULES MEETING ATTENDANCE  HEAD COACHES must now attend a rules meeting every year.  Those who don’t attend will have the opportunity to take the rules.

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Presentation on theme: "RULES MEETING ATTENDANCE  HEAD COACHES must now attend a rules meeting every year.  Those who don’t attend will have the opportunity to take the rules."— Presentation transcript:



3 RULES MEETING ATTENDANCE  HEAD COACHES must now attend a rules meeting every year.  Those who don’t attend will have the opportunity to take the rules test (same as officials) 80% to pass  No meeting or no test = censure and fine  Second offense cannot coach post - season

4 COACHES... Pick up “Code” sheet after meeting!! You must enter the code “on- line.” Instructions on the sheet. Deadline: November 9

5 RATING OF JUDGES  Judges must enter their schedule! (Varsity Only) – on-line  Coaches please rate regularly  Be Fair and honest  Ratings are important to officials and are very helpful for the state selection process

6 New 2007 !! OFFICIALS RATING SCHOOLS Officials must enter schedule Link “Rate Schools” will show, starting the day of the meet – to the right of the listing You will rate (simple pull-down menus): Teams, Coaches and Fans Meet personnel Site management



9 Spectators, Participants and Coaches: Excellent (5) - Sportsmanship and behavior were exemplary - absolutely no problems. This was an exceptional officiating experience. Good (4) - Overall sportsmanship and behavior was very good. This was a pleasurable officiating experience. Acceptable (3) - Sportsmanship and behavior was generally good. There were some minor problems. This was an average officiating experience Needs Improvement (2) - There were several problems with sportsmanship and/or behavior. Improvement is needed. This was a disappointing officiating experience. Unacceptable (1) - Sportsmanship and/or behavior was poor - there were issues that must be addressed. An MSHSL Incident Report Form has been filed. This was not an enjoyable officiating experience. N/A - Not applicable

10 Site Management and Game Personnel: Excellent (5) -- Welcomed by school staff, facilities for officials available and prepared, site management available & helpful throughout the contest. Game personnel well- prepared and knowledgeable; good communication. Good (4) - Greeted by school staff, facilities for officials available, site management available when needed. Game personnel knowledgeable and cooperative. Acceptable (3) - Greeted upon arrival, facilities available, but not prepared, site management present most of the time. Game personnel acceptable. Needs Improvement (2) - Not greeted, facilities not prepared, site management not available or helpful. Game personnel not prepared - led to minor problems. Unacceptable (1) - Not greeted, no facilities available, no site manager. Game personnel not prepared or available - problems with game personnel. NA - Not Applicable

11 WORKING TOGETHER!  Officials and coaches must work together to ensure the best sportsmanship possible  Understand each other’s role  You are both there to provide the best possible experience for best possible experience for our young people! our young people!

12 COACHES 1)Work extremely hard to prepare – Every meet is important! 2) There is pressure to win 3) They care about their kids! 4) They give their very best for their kids

13 OFFICIALS 1) Also work very hard to prepare 2) Their job is to: -- enforce the rules -- enforce the rules -- ensure fairness -- ensure fairness -- enforce sportsmanship rules -- enforce sportsmanship rules -- manage the meet -- manage the meet 3) They also do their very best for the kids!

14 OFFICIALS ARE A KEY TO SPORTSMANSHIP!  Judge and enforce rules as fairly and consistently as possible.  Enforce rules regarding behavior and sportsmanship when necessary.  A huge part of educational athletics is to teach citizenship/sportsmanship

15 COACHES ARE A KEY TO SPORTSMANSHIP  Be the role model for your dancers and fans.  Set high expectations for your dancers, and force them to meet those expectations.  Know the rules!  Work with judges – with a positive attitude. with a positive attitude.

16 Rules Book It is the responsibility of every coach and official to know the Rules and Bylaws of Dance Team. RESPONSIBILITIES:  Read the Rules Book  Read the Bylaws  Contact Rules Clinicians with questions

17 Rules Book Clarifications

18 Coaches: Critical Information ABSOLUTE State Tournament Program Information DEADLINE: Wednesday, FEBRUARY 6 Avoid last-minute scrambling. Post your information now and keep it current.

19 Coaches: Use  ALL program information MUST be submitted via the League Web site  TEAM PHOTOS must be high resolution (300 dpi) and should be e-mailed

20 Coaches: Log in & Check it Out!  EVERYTHING You need to know is on the League Web site.  DON’T WAIT — If you miss the deadline, missing information or photos won’t look so great.

21 APPLY FOR STATE! Must apply on-line by December 1 Officials will be selected by January 17 *There may still be changes and additions after this date

22 JUDGES TESTING  All tests will be done on-line  Plan ahead and allow time for problems!  Clinicians will provide all officials with a sheet that will have Test Code and detailed instructions and detailed instructions  Call League Office with questions  Test Deadline: November 1

23 COACHES... Leave this meeting AFTER you have picked up a “Code” sheet Then... Go home and enter the code “on-line.” Deadline: November 9


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