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Kelly ’s Student-Led Conference Welcome Mom and Dad!

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2 Kelly ’s Student-Led Conference Welcome Mom and Dad!

3 In Spanish I learned in Spanish el globo means globe and la cesta means trash can and clock is el reloj. Also in Spanish we learned how to speak Spanish and even how to write in Spanish. Senora Prime, my Spanish teacher, read books to us to help us understand Spanish a little better. Let me tell you what the colors are in Spanish: Red is rojo Green is verde Yellow is amarillo Orange is anaranjado Pink is rosado White is blanko Blue is azul Purple is morado Black is negro Grey is gris brown is marron

4 In Language Arts  I have learned that when something in a sentence is not very important like whisper to the side you put 2 commas before the word and after the word. And it is not good grammar to use ain’t and when you feel sick you don’t say I don’t feel good you are supposed to say I don’t feel well. And a antonym is for example would be the opposite of the other word like heavy and light and night and day.  I also learned about when you have a list of items and you put to commas by the word it doesn’t mean it is a whisper to the side. And if you find a sentence you think looks wrong you have to try to make the sentence sound better. Also if a sentence looks fine and you don’t think it needs any thing to change sometimes when you read the sentence it sounds bad but it looks fine and there are know spelling mistakes but the sentence sounds bad. A synonym is for example would be like were and where they mean the same but they are spelled differently.  My Young Author story is about a ghost on the loose and a group of kids try to find her. ( by the way her name is riley.) And by the end of the story the kids realize that the ghost is just a nasty old thing and she is sloppy and lives in a really old rusty cage.

5 My Favorite Stories from Reading Class One of my favorite stories that I read this year was dogzilla because this book has so many adventures and I like adventures so much. dogzilla chews on furniture and scares mice and I just think that it’s a really cool. The story sound cool because it talks about other things than just for example they talk about mice and puppies and a more. Another story I enjoyed was Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Because I watched the movie and I thought the book would be like the movie and if your thinking that you are wrong. Because in the book they did not talk about Steve the monkey. Movies do not always have to be the same as the book ( only sometimes that happens. ) My Writing Sample

6 In Reading  As April 15 th, I have 52 AR points.  My comprehension is 89 %.  My AR goal for the year is to reach 50 points.  In reading I have improved on comprehension because Mrs. Bandemer has helped me a lot because she has read books to me and helped me understand things a little better I think I need to start reading slower and really think about what I am reading.  The best story or book I have read this year is Home of the brave because it is my AR level and it is a great book. The story is about a young boy who’s dad and brother got shot and the mother heard gun shots coming closer and closer and here dress got cought in a bush and the boy ran in the trees and after all of the gun shoots went away he looked at the spot his mother was at and she was gone. There was some happy parts to like when he called a airplane a flying boat and a refrigorator a cold box that opens. The story or book I liked the least this year is Island Boy because it was not exciding. And I did not think that the person who wrote the book did not use a lot of effort. You always knew what was going to happens next. And storys like that I never really like, because when you read the story for the first time and know what is going to happen next it is not really good book.



9 In Social Studies  I learned In 1820, 80 acres of Michigan land only cost $100, or $1.25`an acre. It was difficult for settlers to get to the area, but that was about to change. And in 1973 Michigan was affected by a war between Israel and Egypt, halfway around the world. The French did not find silver or gold, but they found something else-furs. Furs were fashionable in Europe, and Europeans would pay high prices for mink, beaver, and fox pelts, or skins. in the late 1500s and 1600s many countries built colonies in North America. Starting in 1607, the English began colonies along the Atlantic coast. We studied a lot about Michigan. Michigan is a very cool. And Michigan’s state bird is the Robin. And the state flower is Crabapple Blossom. People remember Michigan a lot by knowing that Michigan is the only state that is shaped like a mitten. Contact with the French changed Native American life forever. Native Americans began to depend on Europeans for many of there needs. The Huron abandoned their old way of life to trap animals for the fur trade. The French brought more than trade goods with them. They also carried diseases such as smallpox, measles, and mumps. Native Americans had never had these diseases, and the germs killed thousands.


11 In Science  I learned your ear has a tube that leads to your eardrum so you can hear the sound. And sometimes you can’t hear because your ear is cloughed up with ear wax. And we are learning about mealworms and next we are going to learning about caterpillirs that turn into butterflys and I am really exided to learn about butter flys  We studied never ever never stick anything in your ear except when a doctor tells you to.


13 In Mathematics I learned there are many ways to solve * 9. Also everyone can learn the times tables. Multibuchican. It gets really easy when you know your basic facts, because it gets easer and easer to memorize the extended facts. And it is something that for example 3*4 = 12 you basiclly just have to do 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 =12. And division is just the turn around fact for multibuchcin. We studied multibucation a little in each unit and we learned how to solve and write extended facts. And when you solve for example 3*4=12 and it is easy for 3*5 because you just add another 3 to the other answer that was 12.


15 In Technology Flip video


17 Strengths  One of my strengths is AR I am proud of this because I needed a lot of help with AR. Thanks to my teacher and Miss Bandamer I think I’m doing a lot better.  Another of my strengths is singing I am proud of this because I think I have a strong voice and I sing whenever I have a chance. The only problem is that I don’t like singing in front of people. And I don’t even like to sing in front of my dad or in front of my mom.  I am good at Writing Because I hold my pencil tight I don’t even hold my pencil the right way and still everyone likes my handrighting.

18 My Goals… In the AR program I would like to have 55 points by the end of the year. I think that I’ve really improved on my points in the AR program. I need to work on my comprehension because when I read a sentence at the next sentence I need to remember what it says. I really want to be a good sientest when I grow up.

19 April 26, 2010 Dear Mom and Dad, thank you so much for always knowing that I can do better and thanks for pushing me to get good grades. Thank you for coming to my conference today. I love you so much and thanks again. You always think that you are making me mad because you are pushing me to hard but I actaully love it! Love, yours truly Kelly

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