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Nuclear structure and reactions Nicolas Michel University of Tennessee.

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1 Nuclear structure and reactions Nicolas Michel University of Tennessee

2 Project Overview Unification of nuclear structure and reactions Developing new nuclear models able to describe the whole nuclear chart with realistic interactions Team: Witek Nazarewicz Thomas Papenbrock, Gaute Hagen, Jason Holt, George Papadimitriou, Jimmy Rotureau, Rodolfo Id Betan, Nicolas Schunck, Markus Kortelainen, Erik Olsen, Jordan Mc Donnell Projects sponsored by INCITE and NICS

3 Science Lesson Light nuclei: Configuration interation methods, Hamiltonian representation Degrees of freedom: nucleons Nuclear interaction: realistic or effective Very large matrix to diagonalize, matrix calculated on the fly Approximations: nuclear interaction and model space Complexity increases rapidly with number of nucleons Heavy nuclei: Energy density functional methods (Kohn-Sham theory) Degrees of freedom: particle and pairing densities Self-consistent one-body problem (Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov) Systematic calculations possible Calculations of all even-even nuclei of the nuclear chart Connections: Realistic interactions to build energy density functionals Energy density functionals to contrain effective interactions

4 Parallel Programming Model MPI as parallelization tool Languages: Fortran 90, C++ Libraries: Blas, Lapack (Fortran 90), none (C++) Debugger, performance: gdb, gprof Platforms: Jaguar (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Kraken (University of Tennessee) Several methods already parallelized: energy density functionals with unoptimized bases: one input file, several output files (one per nucleus) configuration interactions with renormalization group methods, one input file, a few output files Methods to parallelize in the future: energy density functionals with optimized bases configuration interactions with Davidson method fit of nuclear effective interactions with many nuclei

5 Computational Methods Algorithms for Hamiltonian matrix diagonalization Davidson method: Vectors must be stored on memory and disk, matrices not so sparse (maximal dimension around 10 7 ) Matrix times vector operations on the fly only, usually very robust, truncation of model space possible Restart: vectors of nuclear states stored on disk (pivot for Davidson method) Future parallelization: several vector components per node for matrix times vector Density matrix renormalization group method: Dimensions unimportant, no truncation of model space, no restart Very costly in memory and time (even parallelized), convergence problems can occur Parallelization method: independent matrix elements calculations distributed over nodes Fit of effective nuclear interactions: Metropolis Monte-Carlo, conjugate gradient method, restart trivial from optimized parameters Algorithm for energy density functionals: Modified Broyden method, trivial parallelization (several independent nuclei per node) Restart: nuclear densities stored on disk

6 Visualization and Analysis Data obtained from matrix diagonalization: xmgrace, gri, … Tools to obtain automatically figures from data stored on files Example : figure depicting spectrum of energies Energy density functionals: gnuplot to plot mass charts, … Web application to grant access to nuclear data Point-and-click on one nucleus to obtain binding energy, deformation, cross sections of reactions... Need for such a website

7 Roadmap Develop a parallel code for Davidson method and fit of effective interactions Better comprehension of nuclei at the limit of stability Scalability, memory, I/O: Several files of several Gbs to copy to each core many times Master to read files and distribute all data with MPI ? All files copied on all cores once and read independently afterwards ? New parallel codes within energy density functional being written Restrictions existing in the previous code removed Nuclei with odd number of particles, parity-breaking states

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