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The South African Library for the Blind (SALB) Annual Performance Plan 2013 / 2014 Blind people reading!

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Presentation on theme: "The South African Library for the Blind (SALB) Annual Performance Plan 2013 / 2014 Blind people reading!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The South African Library for the Blind (SALB) Annual Performance Plan 2013 / 2014 Blind people reading!

2 Situational analysis (p.1) CHALLENGES 1.Scarce skills 2.Building constraints 3.National funding priority 4.Legal compliance (operational and financial) 5.National Copyright Legislation and International access to reading material 1

3 Situational analysis (p.1) Opportunities 1.The only National Library for the Blind in Africa 2.Specialised training and skills 3. Collections: Digital &Tactile 4. National collaboration initiatives 5. International collaboration (IFLA; WIPO) 2

4 Performance environment (p.1) Nationally 1.Job creation 2.Access to information 3.Expanding service points 4.Accessible media in Indigenous languages 5.Internet access 6.Marketing initiatives 3

5 Performance environment (p.2) Africa 1.Outreach to African countries to establish Library Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired Internationally 1.World Intellectual Property Organisation and the Trusted Intermediary Global Accessible Resource (TIGAR) Project 2.U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 4

6 Organisational environment (p.2) 1.Staff training and development 2.Apprenticeship program 3.Analogue to Digital Conversion program 4.Building layout needs 5.New SALB organogram 5

7 Overview of 2013/2014 budget (p.3) Programme2011/122012/13 2013/14 2014/152015/16 1. National Braille Consultancy 366515 583 659692 2. Book Production Services 2,4493,293 3,759 4,2174,424 3. Library & Information Services 2,4142,828 3,173 3,5623,737 4. Production Support Services 5750 0 00 5. Management Services 6,1566,130 6,416 6,6796,959 6. Marketing & Fundraising Services 36465 439 350368 7. Technical & Information Tech. 9441,083 1,156 1,2811,323 8. External Projects 3,9531,115 1,000 784823 SUB TOTAL 16,89315,429 16,526 17,53218,326 6

8 Overview of 2013/2014 budget (p.3) Programme2011/122012/13 2013/14 2014/152015/16 Furniture & Office Equipment 20120 50 3050 Computer equipment 1020 70 80100 Machinery & equipment 100 150100 SUB TOTAL 122220 260250 TOTAL 17,01515,649 16,746 1779218,576 7

9 Prog.1: Library & Information Service (p.5) Strategic Objective2010/112011/12 2013/14 2014/152015/16 1. New Audio book titles535246 222 226230 2. New Braille book titles220270 220 230240 3. Purchased audio titles7120 160 163166 4. Purchased Braille titles170 100 5. Copyright free titles10597 100 6. Audio Magazines22 2 33 7. Braille Magazines11 1 11 8. Audio Newspapers01 1 11 9. Braille Newspapers11 1 11 10. Membership659624 645 11. Minilibraries1226 10 12. Circulation of material133,222134,401 124,228 125,228126,228 8

10 Prog.2: Braille Production (p.9) Strategic Objective2010/112011/12 2013/14 2014/152015/16 1. Braille pre-production220265 220 230240 2. Production of new titles220265 220 230240 3. Copyright free titles1050 100 4. Braille Magazines11 1 11 5. Indigenous braille titles2420 24 - 6. Braille newspapers01 1 11 9

11 Prog.3: Audio Production (p.11) Strategic Objective2010/112011/12 2013/14 2014/152015/16 1. Audio Pre-production175222 226230 2. Newly narrated digital titles 175222 226230 3. Prepare acquired titles from suppliers 107160 163166 4. Analogue to digital final check 504561 572583 5. Audio newspapers11 1 11 6. Audio magazines23 3 33 10

12 Prog.4: National Braille Consultancy (p.13) Strategic Objective2010/112011/12 2013/14 2014/152015/16 1. Expand tactile pre- school book collection 18 2. Implementation of the Unified Braille Code in schools 62 3 33 3. IsiZulu Braille Primer-- Completed Primer -- 4. IsiZulu Training Manual-- 1 st draft Field test, approval & completion - 11

13 Prog.5: Technical Services (p.16) Strategic Objective2010/112011/10 2013/14 2014/152015/16 1. Service Analogue playback devices 396290 120 7454 2. Service Digital playback devices 552775 880 9861,164 3. Distribution of digital playback devices 528393 645 4. Building lay-out planning -Initiate project NDPW complete draft plans NDPW call for Tender NDWP implement and complete project 12

14 Prog.6: Management Services (p.18) Strategic Objective2010/112011/12 2013/14 2014/152015/16 1. Expanding HR base 2 Review appointments 2. Apprenticeship program-Complete project plan Planning & preparation 44 3. TIGAR projectSteering Comm. Meetings Download 25 and upload 38 titles – pilot Steering Comm. Meetings & pilot file exchange Upload 40 titles 4. African outreachExhibition in Namibia Swaziland 1 SADC country 13

15 Prog.7: Marketing (p.20) Strategic Objective2010/112011/12 2013/14 2014/152015/16 1. SALB history publication-- - Request for proposal and appoint researcher Compile publication 2. SALB 95 years celebration -- Planning Celebration year and event - 3. SALB Centenary Celebrations -- - -Planning 4. Toll free number-- Implemen- tation and monitoring -- 14

16 Links to long-term infrastructure and capital plans (p.24) Project nameEstimated project cost Hemming Street & Building upgrade11,000 Maintenance – building300 15

17 Capital Equipment Requirements (p24/5) Asset2013/142014/152015/162016/172017/18 IT upgrade55,00060,00065,00070,00080,000 Digital Reading Devices (incl. Maintenance) 1,950,0002,045,0002,145,0002,250,0002,354,000 Member internet connectivity (pilot) 380,000385,000390,000395,000410,000 Audio Digitization Equipment (recording) 55,00060,00065,00070,00080,000 TOTAL2,440,0002,550,0002,665,0002,785,0002,924,000 16


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