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Technology: Good or Evil?. Technology is a reality of our everyday lives so it’s important we know what God has to say about it…

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Presentation on theme: "Technology: Good or Evil?. Technology is a reality of our everyday lives so it’s important we know what God has to say about it…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology: Good or Evil?

2 Technology is a reality of our everyday lives so it’s important we know what God has to say about it…

3 Technology: Good or Evil? What is technology? Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes

4 Technology: Good or Evil? Greatest technological breakthrough of all time…

5 Technology: Good or Evil? Main Point: Technology is a tool that can be used for good or evil…

6 Technology: Good or Evil? Genesis 11:1-9

7 Technology: Good or Evil? Genesis 11:3 “They used brick instead of stone and tar for mortar”

8 Technology: Good or Evil? 3 Dangers of technology 1)The idolatry of technology

9 Technology: Good or Evil? 3 Dangers of technology 1)The idolatry of technology Verse 4 - “Come let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens”

10 Technology: Good or Evil? Your heart is meant to be filled with your creator not created things

11 Technology: Good or Evil? 3 Dangers of technology 1)The idolatry of technology Romans 1:25 “worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator

12 Technology: Good or Evil? 3 Dangers of technology 2)The idolatry of self

13 Technology: Good or Evil? 3 Dangers of technology 2)The idolatry of self Verse 4 – “so that we may make a name for ourselves”

14 Technology: Good or Evil? 3 Dangers of technology 2)The idolatry of self Isaiah 12:13,14 I will ascend to the heavens… I will make myself like the Most High

15 Technology: Good or Evil? “Just loving my in-laws at the beach. Great looking family!”

16 Technology: Good or Evil? “So lucky to have this beautiful lady in my life”

17 Technology: Good or Evil? 3 Dangers of technology 2)The idolatry of self What will people think about me when they see me with…

18 Technology: Good or Evil? 3 Dangers of technology 3)Technology affects relationships

19 Technology: Good or Evil? 3 Dangers of technology 3)Technology affects relationships Verse 4 – “otherwise we will be scattered”

20 Technology: Good or Evil? 3 Dangers of technology 3)Technology affects relationships We have the greatest communication tools available in history but we still don’t know how to communicate…

21 Technology: Good or Evil? So What do we do…?

22 Technology: Good or Evil? Using the tool of technology 1)Be honest about tech in your life

23 Technology: Good or Evil? Using the tool of technology 1)Be honest about tech in your life How is technology affecting…? Me… My relationship with God… My relationship with others…

24 Technology: Good or Evil? Using the tool of technology 2)Be willing to change

25 Technology: Good or Evil? Using the tool of technology 2)Be willing to change Ezekiel 14:4-6 God wants to recapture your heart

26 Technology: Good or Evil? Using the tool of technology 3) Use tech for God’s glory!

27 Technology: Good or Evil? Using the tool of technology 3) Use tech for God’s glory! There is a way beyond just avoiding the dangers of technology

28 Technology: Good or Evil? Using the tool of technology 3) Use tech for God’s glory! Col 3:17 & 1 Cor 10:31 Do everything for God’s glory!

29 Technology: Good or Evil? Using the tool of technology 3) Use tech for God’s glory! A Few Practical Examples… Texting encouragement, Missions, Online sermons, Bible reading, Podcast sermons

30 Technology: Good or Evil? Technology is a tool that has been placed into your hands. How are you going to use it?

31 Technology: Good or Evil?

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