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Customization: A Tale Of Cost/Benefits The First Of A Three Part Series.

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Presentation on theme: "Customization: A Tale Of Cost/Benefits The First Of A Three Part Series."— Presentation transcript:

1 Customization: A Tale Of Cost/Benefits The First Of A Three Part Series

2 What We Will Review Reason Or Need What To Do Review Of M3 Panels What To Change Why Customize How To QA

3 Reason / Needs Maybe your current CSR’s cannot keep up: o with entering orders o checking order status o tracking o customer lookup o e-Commerce and Mobile Apps Adding CSR’s is costly and a never ending expense Speed up the process So customize

4 Reason / Needs

5 What To Do First and foremost to review and verify your process: o The process review will insure that any software based solutions will meet your needs o The process review may reveal internal process changes that will enhance any software used o The process review will give us our needs analysis or wish list if you so choose to call it that

6 Review The M3 Panels Gather a list of all the fields in each panel : o Create a list of fields and panels Field level help Meta Data Publisher Your favorite Metadata tool

7 What To Change Panel Level With jScript o If a simple look up is all you need then jScript Custom External o If you need complete control customization is the way to go

8 Why Custom External Why Custom External Precise control o We get exactly what we want o It is tailored to our exact need Will provide a “loosely coupled” application o Maintenance is easier o Upgrades have little to no impact

9 How To How To API’s MITest Troubleshooting Coding Testing Deployment

10 How To How To API’s o Are the vehicle we will use to insure our data goes to the right place o We use the API rather than direct writes to the database to insure our integrity o But how do we find the right API

11 How To How To MITest

12 How To How To Troubleshooting o M3-API-WS o We can test API’s or Web Services

13 How To How To Coding o Panel jScript o Dot Net Public Class BaseAPIMI ' this is where we will store the fields themselves Dim lsFields As List(Of mvxAPIField) ' the program name eg. OIS100MI Public Property ProgramName As String ' the name of the transaction eg. AddBatchHead Public Property TransactionName As String retrieve all of the fields for this version that are In fields (ie. fields that we will send to MoveX) Dim vFields = From field In lsFields Where field.Version = astrVersion And field.Direction = "I" Select field If Not vFields Is Nothing Then If Enumerable.Count(vFields) >= 1 Then For Each apifCurrentField As mvxAPIField In vFields If Not apifCurrentField Is Nothing Then Dim iFrom As Int32 = apifCurrentField.FromAsInt() Dim iLength As Int32 = apifCurrentField.LengthAsInt() ' retrieve the value of the field at a specific location and for a specific length Mid(strPopulatedString, iFrom, iLength) = apifCurrentField.Value End If Next End If CreateInString = strPopulatedString End Function

14 How To How To Testing o M3-API-WS o We can test API’s or Web Services

15 How To How To Deployment o We can now take our custom app to our own Web Server

16 Also consider Availability of resources within the company and outside that can support the development Upgrade friendliness Performance Dependencies Security

17 Additional help Nogalis offer (Ends July 2014) One day of free consulting from one of our 14 Lawson professionals to help get your project started with no obligation. Contact: 949.285.2349

18 Next Webinar 2014 Q2 eCommerce & Mobile Apps Taking Your Business To The Next Level

19 @nogalisinc

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