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Activities At Køge Business College December – April.

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Presentation on theme: "Activities At Køge Business College December – April."— Presentation transcript:

1 Activities At Køge Business College December – April

2 Activities Corrected our worksheets according to agreements made in England Arranged that Jonas and Boye could go to Romania and could carry on testing some activities Had a catalogue made by our printing department

3 Activities Handed out the catalogue to my adult students During classes my students discussed all activites and evaluated them I took photos

4 Interpersonal 6-9: activity 4 is not good, all activities are fairly clear

5 Intrapersonal 6-9: all activities are very much easy, a little short, fairly clear, fairly substantial

6 Visual/spatial 6-9: All activities will not at all motivate, activity 3 and 4 are too difficult for the age group, it will be difficult to explain to the child so the child can understand 13-16: All activities will not at all motivate, all activities are not interesting to this age group

7 Bodily/kinaesthetic 6-9: Activities 2 and 4 will very much motivate, activities 1 and 3 will fairly motivate, activities 2, 3 and 4 will be amusing, activity 1 is fairly short 10-12: Activities 2 and 4 will very much motivate Activity 1 is childish for this age group, activity 2 is very good but difficult, activity 3 is very funny, but the child would prefer to act themselves not the puppets, activity 4 is excellent

8 Bodily/kinaesthetic 13-16: Activities 1 and 2 will very much motivate, activity 4 will fairly motivate, activity 3 will not at all motivate Activities 3 and 4 are very much easy, activities 1 and 2 are fairly easy, activity 3 is fairly short, all activities are clear, activities 2 and 4 are very much amusing, activity 3 is not so good as it will be boring for this age group

9 Linguistic 6-9: Activities 2 and 4 will very much motivate, activity 3 will fairly motivate and activity 1 will motivate little All activities are fairly easy, fairly short, very much clear, fairly amusing, little substantial

10 Linguistic 10-12: Activity 1 will fairly motivate, activities 2 and 4 will motivate little, activity 3 will not motivate at all All activities are very much easy, a little short, fairly clear, little amusing, fairly substantial

11 Linguistic 13-16: Activity 3 will very much motivate, activity 4 will fairly motivate, activity 1 will motivate little, activity 2 will not motivate at all All activities are very much easy, fairly short, very much clear, fairly amusing, little substantial

12 Naturalistic 6-9: All activities are clear, activity 2 will be difficult to explain to children, activity 4 is great Maybe activity 2 from the age group 10-12 should be switched with activity 2 from this age group 10-12: All activities are good

13 Musical 6-9: All activities will very much motivate – you should start with activity 4, then 3, then 2 and finally 1 All activities are very much easy,clear, amusing, and substantial, they are fairly short

14 Some Real Evaluations Some parents did the activities with their children at home

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