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Teachers’ Slides اينترنت چيست ؟ احسان سبحاني. Teachers’ Slides.

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1 Teachers’ Slides اينترنت چيست ؟ احسان سبحاني

2 Teachers’ Slides

3 Teachers’ Slides Your computer Modem Telephone Line Server’s computer Any where around the world Your computer modem Server computer Telephone line

4 Teachers’ Slides History of Internet 1969 - US Defence dept. (ARPANET) at UCLA university.(IP protocol standard.) 1969-1972 – Other Universities joined the Network. 1972 – Email was adapted for APRANET. 1986 – NSFNet cross country 56Kbps backbone. 1992 - Tim Berners Lee of CERN lab, Geneva - started World Wide Web. (http) The end of NSF sponsorship/Commercial networks 1994 - Population explosion on net with many countries providing access.

5 Teachers’ Slides WWW History It was first created in 1992 at the European Center of Particle Physics (CERN) in Switzerland. This center also developed the Universal Resource Locator (URL). They decided to create an environment in which information of any type from any source could be accessed in a simple & consistent way. Their vision became the Web.

6 Teachers’ Slides Internet: Interconnected Network... شبكه اي متشكل از شبكه ها است. محمل انتقال اطلاعاتي است كه در فايلها يا اسناد موجود يك رايانه ديگر ذخيره شده است. خود اينترنت اطلاعاتي در خود ندارد بلكه: از طريق اينترنت به رايانه مورد نظر متصل شده و سندي از فايلهاي موجود در آن را مي يابيم. پس درست نيست اگر بگوييم: مطلبي را در اينترنت پيدا كردم. صحيح تر اين است كه بگوييم : با استفاده از اينترنت آن را پيدا كردم.

7 Teachers’ Slides Internet: Interconnected Network... مهمترين فناوري در اينترنت ارتباط بين كامپيوترها و شبكه ها از طريق يك قرارداد (protocol) مي باشد. اين پروتكلهاي ارتباطي كه در قالب نرم افزار طراحي شده اند, موجب تسهيل فرايند تبادل اطلاعات در سطح جهان مي گردد. مجموعه اصلي پروتكلهايي كه اين تعامل را در ميان كامپيوترها ممكن مي سازد, به پروتكل نظارت بر انتقال / پروتكل اينترنت TCP/IP=Transmission control protocol/Internet Protocol مشهور است.

8 Teachers’ Slides Internet: Interconnected Network... در واقع اين پروتكل زبان مشترك بين رايانه ها به هنگام ارسال و دريافت اطلاعات يا داده مي باشد و بر روي هر رايانه أي قابل طراحي و پياده سازي است. پروتكلي كه در اينترنت براي كنترل انتقال داده ها و اطلاعات از يك رايانه به رايانه ديگر استفاده مي شود پروتكل TCP و پروتكلي كه وظيفه اش نشاني يابي, راهبري داده ها و اطلاعات به مقصد است را پروتكل IP مي نامند.

9 Teachers’ Slides Internet: Interconnected Network tools پست الكترونيكي Electronic Mail : در حقيقت همچون پست معمولي داراي فرستنده, گيرنده, محمل و پيام است با اين تفاوت كه تمام اجزاي آن رايانه أي است. نرم افزارهاي پست الكترونيكي داراي امكاناتي مانند : نگارش پيام يا نامه, ارسال پيام و نامه, پاسخ به نامه دريافتي, بازفرست پيام دريافتي, ضميمه كردن فايلهاي متني, صوتي و تصويري هستند.

10 Teachers’ Slides Email E-mail was adapted for ARPANET by Ray Tomlinson of BBN in 1972. He picked the @ symbol from the available symbols on his teletype to link the username and address.

11 Teachers’ Slides Internet: Interconnected Network tools هر نشاني پست الكترونيك داراي اجزاي زير است : كدكشور. نوع موسسه. نام سرور ( سايت ). نام كاربر

12 Teachers’ Slides Internet: Interconnected Network tools وب جهانگستر World Wide Web وب يا شبكه جهانگستر يا به اصطلاح شبكه تار عنكبوتي كه به طور خلاصه WWW گفته مي شود, يكي از مهمترين و كارآمدترين ابزارهاي اينترنت است كه به دليل گرافيكي بودن, خاصيت فرا متني hypertext و امكان برقراري پيوند يا اتصال ميان اطلاعات مختلف hyperlink بيش از ساير امكانات اينترنت مورد استفاده قرار مي گيرد  شبكه وب از ميليونها منبع يا فايل الكترونيكي كه در رايانه هاي سراسر جهان وجود دارد و به آنها وب سايت Website گفته ميشود, تشكيل شده است. صفحه اول هر وب سايت را Web page مي گويند.

13 Teachers’ Slides Web Protocols وب داراي پروتكلها يا استانداردهاي الكترونيكي و شبكه أي براي انتقال و تبادل اطلاعات است, برخي از اين پروتكلها عبارتند از : – پروتكل انتقال فرامتني Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http) پروتكل انتقال اسناد و مدارك صفحات وب بر اساس درخواست و پاسخ سرويس گيرنده / سرويس دهنده وب. – زبان نشانه گذاري متن Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) عبارت است از مجموعه tag ها كه موجب مي شود اسناد بر روي وب انتشار يابد. – مكان ياب جهاني منبع Universal Resource Locator (URL) نشاني صفحات و منابع اطلاعاتي در وب. اين نشاني منحصر بفرد هر سند در وب است.

14 Teachers’ Slides URL: Universal Resource Locator اين نشاني ترتيبي مشخص دارد، نوع پروتكل نام قلمرو ( يي ) كه فايل رايانه اي در آن است و مكان آن در اينترنت مسير موجود در رايانه كه به فايل مربوطه مي رسد. نام فايل : Html/htm http://www.lib.berkeley. edu Teachinglib/g uides/internet Findinfo. html Hypertext transfer protocol سايت دانشگاهي

15 Teachers’ Slides What is a URL? Uniform Resource Locator An address to any item on the Internet Name of host computer The item requested Protocol to use

16 Teachers’ Slides

17 Teachers’ Slides Information on the Internet The Internet contains a wealth of high quality resources for learning, teaching and research but … –Which are the key ones for your subject? –Where can you find them? –How do you know which to trust? –What can you use them for?

18 Teachers’ Slides The basic questions to ask before you begin work are: What can the Internet offer me? What resources does it have for nurses, midwives and health visitors? The purpose of this section is to provide some answers to these questions by showing you the range of materials on offer. Then you can make your own decisions about their value for your specific area of research.

19 Teachers’ Slides Internet Information Skills Being able to... identify the key sites for your subject search the Internet effectively evaluate Internet resources use the Internet to support your work

20 Teachers’ Slides A Waste of Time The Internet connects you to information and people around the World. It’s easy to get distracted, lost, confused Saving Time Learn how to be a focused, efficient Internet user

21 Teachers’ Slides Poor Quality Anyone can publish anything on the Internet - you need to be careful not to degrade your work by using poor quality information High Quality Learn how to evaluate Internet resources and think critically about them

22 Teachers’ Slides Types of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting Resources online Nursing, midwifery and health visiting journals - Many of the key printed journals are also now available in electronic format, and other journals are published on the Internet and have never appeared on paper

23 Teachers’ Slides Papers and documents - Many papers, documents and articles written by key health organisations can be found on the Internet. Databases - Many health databases can be found on the Internet. These include bibliographic databases such as CINAHL, Medline and the British Nursing Index. Health organisations - Most health organisations have a Web presence that contains information about their activities, aims and research projects. Examples of these include, WHO, RCN, RCM …

24 Teachers’ Slides Mailing lists - Mailing lists and discussion lists are available in many areas of health and offer students, practitioners, researchers and lecturers an opportunity to discuss key topics with fellow professionals Nursing, midwifery and health visiting education - There is a wide range of interactive teaching and learning materials now available via the Internet. These can take many forms, from lecture notes, to tutorials, online quizzes and video clips of clinical procedures.

25 Teachers’ Slides News services -These are provided by a range of sources, such as large broadcasting news services like the BBC and CNN, online newspapers like The Times and The Guardian and professional magazines such as the Nursing Times and Nursing Standards. Discovery tools - There is a wide range of searching tools available via the Internet that enable you to find information. These vary from search engines, subject gateways, Internet guides, library catalogues and directories.

26 Teachers’ Slides LITERATURE SEARCH ONLINE If you're interested in a particular subject (for an essay, research project), and you're looking for articles that have been written in the past 5,10 or 20 years, what do you do? The best plan of action is to search a bibliographic database for details of relevant articles before tracking down the journals the articles are in. The Internet has the capabilities to be used for both these tasks

27 Teachers’ Slides Bibliographic Databases such as: Medline from 1966 to the present (free)/ CINAHL from 1982 to the present (not free) MIDIRS - Midwives Information and Resource Service ( information from over 550 international journals and original articles and includes 85,000 records specific to midwifery) Online Electronic Journals

28 Teachers’ Slides MEDLINE bibliographic citations and author abstracts All fields of medicine 4500 current biomedical journals published in the United States and 70 foreign countries Over 12 million records dating from 1966+ Medline is updated weekly and the records incorporated into PubMed

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31 Teachers’ Slides CINAHL sources

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34 Teachers’ Slides Nursing, General/Special Topics Web Sites با كليك روي هر عبارت وارد وب سايت مورد نظر خود شويد.

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36 Teachers’ Slides Sign up

37 Teachers’ Slides OpenForm راهنماي موضوعي

38 Teachers’ Slides نمايش نتايج با رتبه بندي

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40 Teachers’ Slides Foundation of nursing studies

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42 Teachers’ Slides Virtual Nursing college

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45 Teachers’ Slides Some Nursing & Midwifery journals on the Net

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50 Teachers’ Slides Nursing specialities in

51 Teachers’ Slides Category: medical journals

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57 Teachers’ Slides ارتباطات علمي در شبكه جهاني اينترنت

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