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Protein Synthesis Translation. DNA (genes) information copied to make  mRNA (transcription) Information in mRNA sequence used to put together  Chain.

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Presentation on theme: "Protein Synthesis Translation. DNA (genes) information copied to make  mRNA (transcription) Information in mRNA sequence used to put together  Chain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protein Synthesis Translation

2 DNA (genes) information copied to make  mRNA (transcription) Information in mRNA sequence used to put together  Chain of amino acids(protein) Proteins determine physical traits of organism The Big Picture

3 Translation: Why mRNA has copied information from DNA into “nucleic acid” language (A,U,G,C) Must be translated into “protein” language (amino acids)

4 Translation Building Blocks of Proteins Proteins are made of subunits called amino acids These subunits are comprised of : – Amino group – Carboxyl group – R group is different for each amino acid

5 Translation Building Blocks of Proteins 20 different amino acids make up all proteins Order of amino acids gives protein specific characteristics

6 Amino acids: Building Blocks of Proteins Peptide bond joins amino acids in proteins

7 Translation: The Code 4 letters in RNA: A, U, C, G 3 letters = code for each amino acid Codon = 3 base code for a specific amino acid

8 Translation: The Code 64 possible combinations (4x4x4) More than 1 code for some amino acids Start = AUG Stop = UAA, UAG, UGA

9 Translation: Where Cytoplasm of cell

10 Translation: The Players mRNA with 3-base codons Start codon Stop codon

11 Translation: The Players tRNA Matches correct amino acid with codon Anticodon Amino acid

12 Translation: The Players Composed of rRNA & protein Ribosomes assemble the protein Move along mRNA tRNA brings amino acids

13 Translation: Initiation Begin at start codon Assemble ribosomes ace/biocoach/translation/init.html ace/biocoach/translation/init.html

14 Translation: Elongation tRNA matches anticodon with codon in mRNA to bring correct amino acids to protein Peptide bonds are formed between amino acids ace/biocoach/translation/elong1.html ace/biocoach/translation/elong1.html

15 Translation: Termination “Stop” codon is reached Protein is released from ribosome Protein folds into 3-D shape ace/biocoach/translation/term.html ace/biocoach/translation/term.html

16 Many proteins can be translated from a single message Translation

17 The Complete Process http://www.wisc- http://www.wisc-

18 Transcribe & translate a gene Practice! nscribe/ nscribe/

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