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Lesson Objective  Students will be able to describe what their historical figure did during the Civil Rights Movement (circa 1950-1970).

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2 Lesson Objective  Students will be able to describe what their historical figure did during the Civil Rights Movement (circa 1950-1970).

3 Idiomatic Expression- new blood  Your predictions of this idiom’s meaning: It sounds like “fresh meat” for high school. It sounds like a title in the Twilight series. It sounds like “mud blood” in Harry Potter. It sounds deadly. It sounds like you’ve been born again. New blood that comes out of your system. A new race; a new generation To have fresh skin It sounds like people are friends again.

4 New blood means  to have fresh people and ideas in an organization.  For example: The president of Apple Computer wants to hire new blood because they might have some interesting ideas for the next iPod version.

5 Remember our Objective  Students will be able to describe what their historical figure did during the Civil Rights Movement.  On the next slide is a brief biography of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Let’s analyze some actions that he performed.  The grammatical forms we’ll focus on will be past tense verbs.

6 Example Analysis- Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was a great man who worked for racial equality and civil rights in the United States of America. He was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta. Young Martin was an excellent student in school; he skipped grades in both elementary school and high school. He enjoyed reading books, singing, riding a bicycle, and playing football and baseball. Martin entered Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, when he was only 15 years old. Martin experienced racism early in life. He decided to do to something to make the world a better and fairer place. After graduating from college and getting married, Dr. King became a minister and moved to Alabama. During the 1950's, Dr. King became active in the movement for civil rights and racial equality. He participated in the Montgomery, Alabama, bus boycott and many other peaceful demonstrations that protested the unfair treatment of African-Americans. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. Dr. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. Commemorating the life of a tremendously important leader, we celebrate Martin Luther King Day each year in January, the month in which he was born. August 28, the anniversary of Dr. King's 1963 I Have a Dream speech, is called "Dream Day."

7 Grammatical Forms-Past Tense Verbs marchedprotestedsatstated foughtchallengedrodeboycotted avoidedderailedledargued questioneddebateddiscussedchanged

8 Now it’s your turn to analyze the actions of a Civil Rights activist.  Gwendolyn Elaine Armstrong  Harriet Jacobs  Sheyann Webb  Ralph Abernathy  Raylawni Branch  Jonathan Myrick Daniels

9 Pattern for Prompt  What did your Civil Rights figure do?

10 Pattern for Response  __(name of figure)______ VERB__ACTION____  Example~  Martin Luther King, Jr. participated in the Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott.

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