Welcome to the HIMSS10 Interoperability Showcase™ brought to you by HIMSS, IHE and the Global Standards Community.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the HIMSS10 Interoperability Showcase™ brought to you by HIMSS, IHE and the Global Standards Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the HIMSS10 Interoperability Showcase™ brought to you by HIMSS, IHE and the Global Standards Community

2 Welcome to the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase ™ Overview Take a tour Many opportunities to ask questions and have conversations with colleagues

3 What you will see today A “live” demonstration of interoperability: – Application-to-Application – System-to-System – Setting-to-Setting Held in locations worldwide Multiple vendor products communicating and exchanging clinical information within and between enterprises, regions, nations Uses accepted standards such as ISO, HL7, IEEE, DiCOM and many others – In the U.S. includes HITSP Specifications and Constructs – In Europe includes epSOS

4 Why Interoperability – what is the value? Allows clinical systems to “talk” to one another throughout & within enterprise For example… – In a hospital The system in the ER can pass vital information to the OR, ICU – In a health Information exchange [HIE] Locate clinical information & share between providers

5 Interoperability is relevant worldwide U.S. example IHE helps “power” the Nationwide Health Information Network NHIN Pilot Projects Europe Example epSOS Initiative – IHE in use throughout the project

6 Is this real? Reality – not a future vision – what is possible and happening now, today Through use of clinical scenarios, we will take you through specific examples to not just tell you but show you that interoperability is in use and is already making a difference

7 What you will see today is one of 50+ stories across 14 themes: 1.Care Administrative Efficiency 2.Care Coordination 3.Chronic Care 4.Clinical Research 5.Clinical Decision Support 6.Device Connectivity Throughout the Healthcare Spectrum 7.Emergency Care 8.Health Information Exchange Core Services 9.Maternal Health 10.Patient privacy Protection 11.Public Health 12.Quality and Surveillance Metrics in Public Health 13.Quality Measure Deployment 14.FHA – connecting to the NHIN

8 Showcase Participants Include… 80 participating entities, including – 70 vendors – 10 organizations – Plus another 30 or so in the Federal Health Architecture – Connecting to the NHIN All on the same “page” in support of interoperability All systems using – IHE Profiles and – HITSP Specifications and Constructs

9 Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise IHE  Over a decade of experience  Founded in 1997  Sponsored by RSNA and HIMSS  Led by volunteer members and sponsors  300 organizational members worldwide  From four continents  In over 24 countries  Members include  Practicing Clinicians  Academic Medicine professionals  Healthcare Executives  HIT Vendors, Consultants  Membership Organizations  Professional Societies  And more

10 Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel- HITSP HITSP Purpose  To harmonize and integrate diverse standards that will meet clinical and business needs for sharing information among organizations and systems.

11 11 IHE, Global Standards-Based Profiles Adopted in National & Regional Projects http://tinyurl.com/WWXDS Quebec, Toronto, Alberta, British Columbia Canada Infoway THINC- New York NCHICA – N. Carolina Philadelphia HIE VITL-Vermont Boston Medical Center - MA CareSpark – TN & VA KeyHIE Pennsylvania NHIN – Kaiser/VA Providence HIE SHARP Community MedVirginia-SSA SouthShore Central Florida California Prisons Wake Forest Harrison Med Center Decatur Hosp & Practices

12 1212 IHE, Global Standards-Based Profiles Adopted in National & Regional Projects Quebec, Toronto, Alberta, British Columbia Canada Infoway THINC- New York NCHICA – N. Carolina Italy Conto Corrente Salute Venetto - Friuli Boston Medical Center - MA Philadelphia HIE CHINA-MoH Lab results sharing KeyHIE Pennsylvania CHINA-Shanghai Imaging Info Sharing JAPAN-Nagoya Imaging Info Sharing, Nationwide PDI guideline South Africa VITL-Vermont CareSpark – TN & VA NETHERLANDS Friesland Natn’l Mamography Lower Austria France DMP Walles (Imaging-Tender) Belgium Flemish-Leuven Suisse St Gallen Lausane Providence Health System - OR see tinyurl.com/wwXDS

13 2010 Interoperability Showcase Participants

14 Showcase Floorplan 1 24 5 6 3 Cluste r Vortex 1 35 7 8 4 26

15 Distributed Demonstration

16 Thank you for joining us! Find out more, visit IHE@HIMSS.ORG www.IHE.NET WWW.INTEROPERABILITYSHOWCASE.ORG

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