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Computing Workshop for Foundation Stage Parents Cheam Park Farm Infants Monday 5 th October.

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Presentation on theme: "Computing Workshop for Foundation Stage Parents Cheam Park Farm Infants Monday 5 th October."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computing Workshop for Foundation Stage Parents Cheam Park Farm Infants Monday 5 th October

2 Agenda EYFS Curriculum How we are using computer tablets in classrooms New website E safety

3 Understanding the World - Technology 30-50 months Knows how to operate simple equipment e.g. turns on a CD player and uses remote control. Shows an interest in technological toys with knobs or pulleys, or real objects such as cameras or mobile phones. Shows skill in making toys work by pressing parts or lifting flaps to achieve effects such as sound, movements or new images. Knows that information can be retrieved from computers.

4 Understanding the World - Technology 40-60 months and ELG Completes a simple program on a computer. Uses ICT hardware to interact with age-appropriate computer software. Children recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools. They select and use technology for particular purposes.

5 Foundation Stage overview Each term we focus on different skills: Autumn Term : Mouse skills – educational games on the internet and 2simple program drawing pictures using the pencil and pen tools. Spring Term : Keyboard skills – educational games on the internet: Busy Things & First Keys, typing sentences at the end of the term. Summer Term : Programming skills – bee bots, 2go, Busy Things. Esafety is also planned for each term. Other activities are also planned for linking to our topic.

6 How do we use the tablets in class? In Early Years children have the opportunity to use the tablets to complete activities chosen by the children. In Year 1 children play apps that support their learning as well as using the tablets to write. In Year 2 children use the tablets to find out information, use apps to support learning and to type instead of writing.

7 Our new school website

8 Quiz

9 Answers LOL- Laughing out loud MUSM- Miss you so much ASL- Age sex location BF- Boyfriend PRON- porn POS- Parent over the shoulder PIR- Parent in the room WTGP- Want to go private LMIRL- Lets meet in real life BROKEN- Hungover from yesterday

10 E safety videos for parents

11 What should you do if your child sees something inappropriate or someone on the Internet upsets them? Links on the new school website: Parents, Useful information

12 Do your children have any of these devices?

13 Children love using technology and are learning to navigate websites, online games and consoles, and touch screen technology like iPads and smartphones from a younger age. Latest Ofcom research has shown that 91% of 5-15 year olds live in a household with internet access and over a third of all 3-4 year olds are now accessing the internet in their homes.

14 Where do I start? The best way to keep your family safe online, and to understand your children’s internet use, is to use the internet together. Active engagement and conversations with your children are key. Be positive and embrace the technologies that young children enjoy and look for family activities or games. Take time to explore the games and services that your children are using, or want to use, and look out for any safety features that may be available. This will give you a better understanding of the different ways that children are engaging with technology and help you to feel more confident.

15 What are our kids doing online? Highlights from the Ofcom media literacy study 2014: Hours spent online 5-7s- 7.2 hours a week 8-11s-10.4 hours a week 12-15- 17.6 hours a week

16 Esafety in Reception Class discussions : What the internet is What we can use it for Where and when we might use it Which websites you might use Facetime/Skype Hector’s World – Year 1 k/5_7/hectorsworld/

17 Top tips All electronic devices should be kept downstairs. Adults should be an example. Make sure you log out of apps and programs. Always close a laptop lid or face the web cam to the wall. Block websites. Limit the time the children can use the devices. Open dialogue.

18 Thank you for listening and taking part!

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