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Chapter 7 Describing Inside and Outside. 1. Indigenous Adj.  things that are native to a region We like watching exotic animals at the zoo because they.

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1 Chapter 7 Describing Inside and Outside

2 1. Indigenous Adj.  things that are native to a region We like watching exotic animals at the zoo because they are not indigenous to our area and we don’t get to see them often.

3 2. Interloper N.  Someone who intrudes where they are not wanted “I don’t need some interloper telling me how to raise my children,” said Mrs. Grundy when her neighbor suggested that Rose shouldn’t be running into the road.

4 3. ExtraneousAdj.  coming from the outside The studio was soundproofed because extraneous noises would interfere with the quality of the recordings made there.

5 4. Inherent Adj.  Naturally part of something or someone When Misty admired Eddy’s orderly office, he commented, “Neatness is not an inherent virtue for me; I have to work at it.”

6 5. Germane Adj.  Relevant to the topic When writing an essay, be sure to include only ideas that are germane to the topic you are trying to explain.

7 6. Pariah N.  Social outcast, some not accepted in his/her society Mark Twain calls Huckleberry Finn the “juvenile pariah of the village.”

8 7. Endemic Adj.  Common to a specific area “If you’re planning to travel in an equatorial region,” said the doctor, “you must get shots for diseases that are endemic to that region.”

9 8. Intrinsic Adj.  Coming from within, or inside Intrinsic in every human being is the need to be loved and needed by others.

10 9. Ostracize V.  Expelling a person from a community literally or figuratively Although criminal charges against Larry have been dropped, he continues to be ostracized by his neighbors.

11 10. Tangential Adj.  Slightly touching or barely connected The ideas in Jenna’s essay were tangential enough for the teacher to be able to tell what she was talking about but not connected enough to keep a logical flow to it.

12 Chapter 8 Expressing Looming Events

13 1. Ominous Adj.  threatening, a foreshadowing The ominous clouds on the horizon caused Jimmy to turn his plane around and return to the airport.

14 2. Portentous Adj.  Threats of the future, an omen, foreshadow Sandi’s mid-term grades were sufficient but hardly portentous of a great year.

15 3. Inauspicious Adj.  not conducive to success; unpromising Her absence at the software training was an inauspicious beginning for her new job.

16 4. Imminent Adj.  Describes something about to occur Skyler escaped imminent disaster from the aggressive dog by jumping to the top of his car and waiting until the dog gave up and sulked away.

17 5. Impending Adj.  A near arrival of an event that hangs over you Even though I studied several hours for the impending driving test, I failed it; now I will have to go without me driver license for another week.

18 6. Minatory Adj.  Threatening With the minatory howl of the storm raging back and forth, the frightened children ran to school as fast as they could.

19 7. Presage V.  to forecast or predict something The accidental bombing incident may presage all-out war between the two enemy countries.

20 8. Bode V. Forebode  To be an omen of an outcome  Their argument did not bode well for their relationship.  The dark clouds forebode a major storm on the horizon.

21 9. Propitiate V.  Calm forces that might oppose a favorable outcome Ian hoped to avoid detention and propitiate the principal’s anger by leaving a box of doughnuts on his desk.

22 10. Harbinger N.  Announces or signals the approach of something. The first big snowfall is a harbinger of a skiing season about to begin.

23 Vocabulary Practice Assignment For each word, write a sentence using that word to portray something about The Crucible. Each sentence must contain at least 10 words and explain some concept in the story. Circle the word in the sentence. Example: Neighbors in Salem became interlopers, spying on each other and looking for signs of witchcraft they could report to the magistrate. interlopers

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