Attitudes Towards Women in the Workforce.  Females have more positive attitudes towards women working than do men.

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1 Attitudes Towards Women in the Workforce

2  Females have more positive attitudes towards women working than do men.

3  Gender  Gender was measured by asking respondents to indicate if they were male or female.  Attitudes Toward Working Women  Respondents were asked to indicate the extent to which they agreed with the following statements:  Women are generally more dependable employees than their male counterparts.  Qualified female employees are generally excellent managers.  Possible scores ranged from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) for each statement.  The scores on statement one and two were added together, and scores ranged from 1 to 10.

4 ____________________________________________ Gender Male Female Mean Attitude Score 7.85 9.88 ____________________________________________ F stat 18.98*** R square.16 ------------------------------------------ ***p<.0001 ____________________________________________


6  While both males and females have positive attitudes about female employees, females have significantly more positive attitudes than do males (7.85 compared to 9.88)


8 ANOVA HYPOTHESIS On average, conservative students have significantly more positive attitudes toward the legal system than do non-conservative students.

9 ANOVA MEASUREMENT OF INDICATORS Students were asked to rank their political ideology from very conservative to very liberal. The scores were then collapsed into conservative and non-conservative. Students were asked to indicate the extent to which they agreed with the following statements: The legal system does not discriminate against minorities. Generally the legal system is a system that we can trust. The scores on these statements ranged from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The scores were then combined and ranged from 1 to 10.

10 ANOVA TABLE __________________________________________________________________ ANOVA Table Comparing Attitudes Toward the Legal System by Political Ideology ___________________________________________________________________ Political Ideology Conservative Not Conservative Attitudes Toward 9.71 7.66 Legal System _____________________________________________________________________ F Statistic 23.57*** R Square 0.17 ***p<0.001

11 CONCLUSIONS There is a relationship between a student’s political ideology and their attitude toward the legal system. Overall, conservatives and non- conservatives both have positive attitudes toward the legal system. Conservatives have significantly more positive attitudes toward the legal system than do non-conservatives.

12 Constructed by Natalie Schün Modified by Dr. Carol Albrecht TO COMPARE THE AMOUNT OF TIME THAT MEN AND WOMEN SPEND GETTING READY FOR WORK

13  Women spend significantly more time getting ready for work than do males. ANOVA HYPOTHESIS:

14 ANOVA TABLE ____________________________________________________________ ANOVA Table: Comparing Amount of Time it Takes to Get Ready for Work by Gender ____________________________________________________________ Number of Minutes Male Female Time Getting Ready 15.25 40.32 _____________________________________________________________ F Statistic 26.47*** R Square 0.45 ***p<0.001

15  On average, women spend significantly more time getting ready for work than do men. CONCLUSIONS

16 Factors Influencing High School Students’ Perception of Current and Future Education. Constructed by Lorena Garcia Modified by Dr. Carol Albrecht

17 ANOVA Hypothesis: At least one of the racial groups (e.g., White, African American and Mexican American) is different from the other racial groups when comparing level of satisfaction with their overall academic performance within the classroom. White students are more satisfied with their overall academic performance within the classroom.

18 ANOVA: Measurement of Indicators Race –Students were asked to indicate their racial identity. “Other (specify)” was a possible category. Level of Satisfaction Toward Academic Performance. –An index was used to measure level of satisfaction. –This index combined scores from 5 different statements. –Each of these statements focused on a different aspect of satisfaction (i.e., satisfaction with current grades, satisfaction with how well they complete projects, etc.) –The higher the score the more satisfied was the student.

19 Student’s Satisfaction with Their Overall Academic Performance ___________________________________________________ Whites22.34** Mexican American18.46 Black American 19.34 *p<.05 **p<.001 ***p<.0001 Comparing Means of Students’ Satisfaction With Their Overall Academic Performance

20 In Conclusion… I was able to reject the null hypothesis (with an F value of 12.34 and a probability of <.01), thus providing support that one of the racial groups was different. Whites had a significantly higher level of satisfaction with their academic performance than did either other racial group.

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