Student Expectation 1234 Demonstrates and understanding of Folktales by distinctly including each element of BLEND: Belief, Lesson, Entertains/purpose/,

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Presentation on theme: "Student Expectation 1234 Demonstrates and understanding of Folktales by distinctly including each element of BLEND: Belief, Lesson, Entertains/purpose/,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Expectation 1234 Demonstrates and understanding of Folktales by distinctly including each element of BLEND: Belief, Lesson, Entertains/purpose/, Nature, and Dialect. Folktale does not include all BLEND elements. The elements that are included are not clearly identifiable in the story. Elements are not included on title page. Folktale does not include all BLEND elements and/or they are not clearly identifiable in the story. Some BLEND elements are listed on the title page. Folktale contains all BLEND elements, and they are labeled on the title page. Folktale accurately, clearly, and effectively contains all of the BLEND elements. They are labeled on the title page. Creates a complete story with a beginning, middle, and end. My story does not have a clear beginning, middle, or end. My story is hard to follow. My story has a clear beginning, middle, and end but needs details to make it interesting. My story has a clear and interesting beginning, middle, and end. My beginning creates interest, my middle is well-developed, and the end is satisfying. Shows originality. Folktale is not original and retold a preexisting folktale. Folktale is nice and works, but is not unique. It has similar components as other classmates stories or popular folktales. Folktale is nice and works, but is not unique. It has similar components as other classmates stories Folktale is unique, does not look or sound like the others. The student completely made up the story from their imagination. Context and point of view are well established and listed here POV:_________________ Point of view and context is hard to identify. Student failed to provide POV. Point of view or context is hard to identify and/or student failed to provide POV. Point of view is easily identifiable in the story, but student did not identify POV. The context and point of view are identifiable and present in the story. Student provided correctly identified POV. The role of the narrator/ characters is well developed. The narrator’s voice and the characters are not developed. The narrator’s voice and the characters are somewhat developed. The narrator’s voice and the characters are developed. The narrator ‘s voice is well developed, and the characters are round and believable. The plot is organized in such a way that events flow naturally and logically. Few or no story structure elements are present and/or no blending of dialogue, narration or action is present. Some elements of story structure are present and/or weak blending of dialogue, narration, and action. Establishes plot, conflict, climax, setting, and point of view. Develops a mostly effective blend of dialogue, narration, and action. Establishes a strong plot and conflict. Develops an effective blend of dialogue, narration, and action. The content of the story and the artwork make sense combined. The content of the story and the artwork selected is not related at all. The content of the story does not match the artwork selected or make sense throughout most of the story. The content of the story correlates to the artwork through most of the story. Then content of the story correlates to the artwork selected throughout the stories entirety. Descriptive speaker’s tags are used---not SAID Quotation marks around speaker’s exact words, comma before quotation and first word of a quotation is capitalized. Punctuation inside quotation marks (“I’m exhausted,” groaned Mrs. Fox.) Use of punctuation and capitalization in dialogue is absent and/or lacks quotations marks. Dialogue is introduced with “said” only. Use of punctuation is inconsistent and interferes with understanding dialogue/speaker. Use of punctuation is executed with minimal errors and most dialogue is introduced with descriptive speaker tags. Use of punctuation is executed with perfection. Descriptive speaker’s tags are used to introduce all dialogue. Story includes descriptive words and one of each of the following literary elements: Onomatopoeia____, Hyperbole___, and Personification___. Folktale does not include a hyperbole, personification, or onomatopoeia. Few or no effective choice words are used and there is no sense of audience. Folktale includes a hyperbole, personification, and/or onomatopoeia, but it feels forced and does not fit with the story. Some effective vocabulary is used and there is some sense of audience. Folktale includes a hyperbole, personification, and onomatopoeia, but if feels forced and does not fit with the story. Many effective words are used and there is a sense of audience. Folktale includes a correct hyperbole, personification, and onomatopoeia that naturally flows with the story. Precise vocabulary is used and there is a clear sense of audience.

2 ELACC7W3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences. ELACC7W3a. Engage and orient the reader by establishing a context and point of view and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally and logically. ELACC7W3b. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, and description, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters. ELACC7W3d. Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to capture the action and convey experiences and event. ELACC7W6. Use technology including the internet, to produce and publish writing and link to and cite sources as well as to interact and collaborate with others, including linking to and citing sources.

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