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Zeopardy ZHistory ZI “Clubbing” It Z Facts 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Final Zeopardy Advocacy.

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2 Zeopardy ZHistory ZI “Clubbing” It Z Facts 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Final Zeopardy Advocacy


4 Z History for 100 The year that Zonta was started

5 100 Response – Zhistory When is 1919?

6 Z History for 200 This famous female aviator was a Zontian

7 200 Response - ZHistory Who is Amelia Earhart?

8 Z History 300 Detroit I Club has this distinction

9 300 Response - ZHistory What is the first Midwest Club?

10 Z History for 400 Two words that best describe what the word Zonta stands for

11 400 Response - ZHistory What are Honest & Trustworthy?

12 Z History for 500 This journalist & playwright was instrumental in starting Zonta

13 500 Response - ZHistory Who is Marian de Forest?


15 ZI for 100 It stands for Zonta International Strategies To Prevent Violence Against Women

16 100 Response - ZI What is ZISVAW?

17 ZI for 200 Groups of College and University students sponsored by Zonta Clubs

18 200 Response - ZI What are Golden Z clubs?

19 ZI for 300 The home of Zonta International’s Headquarters

20 300 Response - ZI What is Chicago?

21 ZI for 400 The fund raising arm for Zonta International’s service projects

22 400 Response - ZI What is Zonta International Foundation?

23 ZI for 500 Three countries where ZI has ZISVAW projects in 2008-2010

24 500 Response - ZI What are Syria, Cambodia & Egypt


26 Clubbing it for 100 Number of clubs in Zonta International

27 100 Response - Clubbing What is 1200?

28 Clubbing it for 200 They cast votes and represent your club at all Fall Conference business meetings

29 200 Response - Clubbing Who are Delegates & Alternates?

30 Clubbing it for 300 Number of members in Zonta International

31 300 Response - Clubbing What are over 32,000

32 Clubbing it for 400 The web address for District 15

33 400 Response - Clubbing What is

34 Clubbing it for 500 Executives and professionals in decision making positions who are willing to support the mission and objectives of Zonta.

35 500 Response - Clubbing Who are potential Zontian?


37 Advocacy for 100 It stands for Non- governmental Organization

38 100 Response-Advocacy What is NGO?

39 Advocacy for 200 They advocate for the members of their club and make sure the members wishes are heard

40 200 Response-Advocacy What are Club Directors?

41 Advocacy for 300 It stands for the United Nations Development Fund for Women

42 300 Response-Advocacy What is UNIFEM?

43 Advocacy for 400 Giving your support to a cause

44 400 Response-Advocacy What is Avocacy?

45 Advocacy for 500 What Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women was formed in 1979 and is a Bill of Rights for women that clearly defines what constitutes discrimination.

46 500 Response-Advocacy What is CEDAW?


48 Z Facts for 100 This project supports vocational training for women and girls in developing countries with the focus on improving the status of women

49 100 Response-Z Facts What is Project Five-O?

50 Z Facts for 200 These are Zonta’s Colors

51 200 Response-Z Facts What are Yellow & Mahogany?

52 Z Facts for 300 This district encompasses all of Michigan and western Ontario, Canada

53 300 Response-Z Facts What is District 15?

54 Z Facts for 400 Number of countries with Zonta Clubs

55 400 Response-Z Facts What is 67?

56 Z Facts for 500 2008-2010 biennium project that provides surgery and counseling to women in Liberia suffering from obstetric fistulas and childbirth trauma?

57 500 Response-Z Facts What is the Liberian Project?


59 Final Zeopardy Location of the 2010 Fall Conference

60 Final Zeopardy Response Where is Iron Mountain?

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