Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Language. Origins of Medical Language  Medical Terms are divided into two categories  1. Built from Word Parts 

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1 Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Language

2 Origins of Medical Language  Medical Terms are divided into two categories  1. Built from Word Parts  Ex) arthr/itis  2. Not built from Word Parts  Acronyms (ex: AIDS)  Eponyms (ex: Parkinson’s Disease)  Modern Language (ex: nuclear medicine scanner)

3 Terms from Word Parts  Med terms from word parts consist of some or all of the following components:  Word Root  The core of the word  Ex) Hepat /ic  Prefix  Attached to the beginning of a word root to modify its meaning  Ex) Sub /hepat/ic

4 Terms from Word Parts  Suffix  Attached to the end of the word root to modify its meaning  Ex) Hepat/ ic  Combining Vowel  Usually an o, used to ease pronunciation  Oste/ o /arthr/ o /pathy  Combining Form  Word root with the combining vowel attached, separated by a vertical slash  Ex) cyt/o, hepat/o, arthr/o, ven/o

5 Defining Medical Terms  To define terms, apply the meaning of each word part contained in the term  Word Part List  Page 12

6 Defining Medical Terms  Word Roots  arthr  hepat  ven  oste  Suffixes  -itis  -ic  -ous  -pathy  -megaly = Definition  joint  liver  vein  bone  inflammation  pertaining to  disease  enlargement

7 Defining Medical Terms  Prefixes  Intra-  Sub-  Combining Vowel oo = Definition  within  under

8 Chapter 1 Abbreviations  ā  c  p  s  DX  HX  Rx  TX = before = with = after = without = diagnosis = history = take/prescribe = treatment  C  F  c/o  CC  d/c, DC  H&P  PE  Pt or PT  R/O = Celsius = Fahrenheit = complains of = chief complaint = discontinue = History & Physical = physical exam = patient = rule out (may or may not have)

9 Chapter 1 Abbreviations  DOB  y/o  Yr  ft  h., hr.  in  min . = date of birth = years old = year = feet = hour = inches = minute = change

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