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The Resurrection of Christ. The Resurrection  Read Matthew 27:57-66 on your own  Read John 19:38-42 as class - Criminal were bodies dumped in public.

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Presentation on theme: "The Resurrection of Christ. The Resurrection  Read Matthew 27:57-66 on your own  Read John 19:38-42 as class - Criminal were bodies dumped in public."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Resurrection of Christ

2 The Resurrection  Read Matthew 27:57-66 on your own  Read John 19:38-42 as class - Criminal were bodies dumped in public burial ground - Joseph of Arimathea (Part of Sanhedrin) asked Pilate for Christ’s body -Nicodemus (Pharisee) brought myrrh and aloes for Jesus’ burial -Sanhedrin requested a guard by Pilate outside the tomb of Christ -Sanhedrin paid guards to spread rumors that Christ’s disciples stole the body….

3 Finding at Temple Empty Tomb  In Jerusalem  Lost for 3 days  Parents looks everywhere for him  JC was about father’s business  JC tells Joseph & Mary about father’s business and both were astonished  Mary (Mother pondered things in her heart)  Sorrow and anguish felt by Mary and Joseph  In Jerusalem  In tomb for 3 days  Women sought JC – asked “why do you seek living among dead?”  JC about business of redemption  Jesus not in tomb, women were astonished  Women “remembered his words” (will rise in 3 days)  Road to Emmaus: men in sorrow and anguish when he died and not in their life; didn’t recognize JC

4 Resurrection  John 20 -Mary Magdalene first to tomb, told Peter and John -Peter was first to enter the tomb -MM thought JC was gardener, didn’t recognize until stated her name -JC told her to tell disciples that he is ascending to the father -20:19 – Jesus comes to apostles and gives them power to forgive sins (not Judas or Thomas present) – JC gave them the same authority he possessed -20:24 – Doubting Thomas, placed finger in wounds

5 Why the Resurrection is Important! -If Christ did not rise from the dead this is all a big waste of time! -Jesus has fulfilled the OT scriptures -Jesus has ended the Old Covenant between God and his People and established a New and everlasting Covenant -Truly shows Jesus as the Son of God. -Death = liberates form sin. Resurrection = opens way to new life. -Anagogical aspect: We shall resurrect too!!!  "Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep... For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.“  1 Corinthians 15:20-22




9 Resurrection  John 21 -Disciples went back to everyday lives once Christ died, fishing -Peter recognized it was Christ once they caught fish, just as when they were called to be apostles -153 types of fish (known at this time) = Apostles should catch ALL of the world. -V15-19- fulfillment of denial 3 times; “Do you love me? -What are they gathered around? (Remember John 18:18) Original Greek Translations Jesus uses agape first two times. Peter uses phileo. 3 rd time Jesus uses phileo. Peter’s love is not perfect yet.

10 Resurrection  Luke 24: Walk to Emmaus -Two disciples -Jesus taught them how all of history led up to His death and Resurrection -didn’t recognize Christ until he broke bread Appearance to the Disciples -Ate the fish to prove to disciples he wasn’t a ghost -V. 49 “Stay in city, until you are clothed with power from on high” = Pentecost -The Ascension of Christ


12 Commissioning of Apostles  Matthew 28:16-20 - Jesus commissions the apostles - v.19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” - this is when the disciples are instructed to teach, govern, and sanctify!


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