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Water Cycle. What is the water cycle? This is how water circulates through our environment Water changes from water to gas over and over again to complete.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Cycle. What is the water cycle? This is how water circulates through our environment Water changes from water to gas over and over again to complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Cycle

2 What is the water cycle? This is how water circulates through our environment Water changes from water to gas over and over again to complete the water cycle.

3 Evaporation Water evaporates into the atmosphere from the ocean, lakes, etc. Evaporation = liquid  gas

4 Condensation When water vapor particles join together to form a liquid and condense into clouds or dew. Condensation = gas  liquid

5 Precipitation Rain or snow that falls to the Earth

6 Infiltration The seeping in of water into soil or rocks through the cracks in the ground. Eventually, this water goes back into the lakes and rivers.

7 Runoff Water that flows downslope on Earth’s surface and may enter a stream, river, or lake. The rate of runoff is influenced by the angle of the slope, vegetation, rate of precipitation and soil composition. Water that doesn’t go through infiltration, goes through runoff.

8 Runoff

9 Transpiration When plants absorb the water and then release it back into the atmosphere through evaporation Evaporation off of a plant

10 Water Cycle

11 The Structure of Hydrosphere Oceans—96.5% of water found here Fresh water—3.5% of water found here Fresh water distribution: –Ice: 1.762% –Groundwater: 1.7% –Surface Fresh Water: 0.014% –Atmosphere and soil: 0.002%

12 Understanding Where Your Water Is Located—Oceans and Ice What bodies of water hold the largest amount of water? –Oceans—the largest bodies of water on Earth (contain salt water only) Features housing water as ICE –Icebergs: a large piece of freshwater ice floating in open waters. **approx. 85% of icebergs are under the surface of the water. –Glaciers: any large mass of ice that moves slowly over land formed by snow falling and compressing layer upon layer. –*permanent snow areas also “house” water as ice

13 Fresh Water Locations—Surface Water What is the difference between a watershed and a river basin? –Both terms describe land that drains into a river, stream or lake River Basin: the term used to describe an area that drains into a large river Watershed: the term used to describe an area that drains into a smaller river or stream

14 Fresh Water Locations—River Basins and Watersheds Larger river basins are made up of many interconnected watersheds –Example: Cape Fear and Neuse River Basins are made of many small watersheds The water in a watershed runs to the lowest point—a river, stream, lake, or ocean

15 Fresh Water Locations—Rivers, Streams, and Lakes What is a river? –A large channel along which water is continually flowing down a slope—made of many streams that come together What is a stream? –A small channel along which water is continually flowing down a slope—made of small gullies What is a lake? –A body of water of considerable size contained on a body of land

16 Fresh Water Locations--Groundwater What is groundwater? –The water found in cracks and pores in sand, gravel and rocks below the earth’s surface What is an aquifer? –A porous rock layer underground that is a reservoir for water

17 What determines how far it goes? Porosity: measure of a rock’s ability to hold a fluid. Permeability: a measure of the ease of flow of a fluid through a porous solid

18 Aquifers porous rock layer which is capable of yielding useful supplies of water layers of sand or fractured rock in which the pore spaces or fractures are filled with water

19 Other Surface Waters What is a wetland? –An area where the water table is at, near or above the land surface long enough during the year to support adapted plant growth What are the types of wetlands? –Swamps, bogs, and marshes Swamp: a wetland dominated by trees Bogs: a wetland dominated by peat moss Marshes: a wetland dominated by grasses

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