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Technologically Enhanced Language Learning Project Progress to 20 May 2008 Dr Gee Macrory.

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Presentation on theme: "Technologically Enhanced Language Learning Project Progress to 20 May 2008 Dr Gee Macrory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technologically Enhanced Language Learning Project Progress to 20 May 2008 Dr Gee Macrory

2 Today’s presentation Resume of TELLP project Report on progress so far

3 Resume of TELLP project Aims Timescale Personnel Outcomes Activities proposed

4 Aims Central aim: the provision of an innovative context for initial teacher training within a technologically- enhanced, holistic,cross-curricular approach to teaching languages in the primary schools in the three countries (England, France, Spain)(bid,p.13)

5 Timescale & personnel 2007-2009 Lynda Moore, Head of Primary Programmes, IOE (Director); Gee Macrory (Head of Languages); Languages tutors: Pura Ariza, Cathy Brady & Joanne Mimnagh Lucette Chr é tien Jos é Luis Ortega

6 Which trainees? Primary languages specialists in each country Group 1: 2 sub-groups, (i) those placed for school experience in the 6 project schools, (ii) the larger cohort of primary languages trainees Group 2: generalist primary trainees

7 Trainee outcomes Primary trainees will be able to identify and critically evaluate (a) the characteristics of a holistic cross- curricular approach to language teaching and learning and (b) the impact of the technology on:

8 Processes of children ’ s learning Development of intercultural understanding Children ’ s motivations School community Wider school curriculum (bid, p.15)

9 Activities (bid, p.15) Core focus group of the 3 universities ’ project is teacher trainees Trainees will: - acquire skills of planning effective video- conferencing sessions between international classes - gain familiarity with primary pedagogy in the partner countries - engage in joint planning (home and abroad) - carry our focussed observation of impact of use of technology on children ’ s learning

10 Progress to date Tutor observations of VC and issues arising Focus group work with children Preparation of trainees Trainee activities: some examples Trainee perceptions Implications for next year

11 Tutor observations of VC in 6 schools  Issues of language use (which language, which skill, linguistic progression, etc)  Classroom organisation and management issues  Development of intercultural awareness

12 Focus group work with children All 3 countries Data from KR/SP - Very positive about cultural knowledge - Increased confidence - Awareness of language learning “ you absolutely have to see them ”

13 Preparation of trainees Tasks given to trainees going from England to France and Spain March 08 + from France to England May 08 Introduction to LP

14 Trainee activities VC in home school and/or on placement abroad – observing and assisting Interviewing children and staff involved Preparation of sound files for LP Preparing class for VC

15 Development of trainee activity Independent VC sessions – trainees in lead Use of related technologies: digi blues? Uploading of material on to LP

16 Trainee perceptions so far Beneficial for children, especially from a cultural perspective Insights into the language pedagogy issues Trainees beginning to be able to understand the issues to do with CLIL and with cross- curricular approaches to language learning Very keen to use the technology – good ideas Beginning to see implications for curriculum and whole-school planning

17 Our next steps Interview trainees in all 6 schools (in-depth, semi-structured, recorded interviews) with reference to criteria on p15 of bid Identify support needed by schools for their project and the university project July: 3 university meeting in Manchester Write report Set up project website

18 Implications for next year Identify trainees for placements as early as possible (can visit, plan, etc) Provide ICT sessions/LP briefing early at university Offer whole-school briefing to project schools about the university project

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