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Dissemination and communication of statistics Session 1 Subregional Workshop on Dissemination and Use of Population and Housing Census Results with a Gender.

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Presentation on theme: "Dissemination and communication of statistics Session 1 Subregional Workshop on Dissemination and Use of Population and Housing Census Results with a Gender."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dissemination and communication of statistics Session 1 Subregional Workshop on Dissemination and Use of Population and Housing Census Results with a Gender Focus



4 Topics to be covered  Objectives  What is dissemination and communication of statistics?  Why should we worry about it?  Strategies  How should we go about it?  Considerations  What do we need to think about?  Trends  What is the rest of the world doing? 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner4

5 Key terms  Dissemination:  “making available to the public” UNSD Handbook of Statistical Organization, 3 rd Edition  Range of media interactive databases, printed yearbooks and data tables, analytical publications, factsheets, CD-ROM, etc  Ultimate aim of statistics production (or penultimate?)  Communication:  Focus on ensuring statistics are used  Increase understanding through good presentation  Dialogue with users of statistics  Making data meaningful – relevant, comprehensible, timely 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner5


7 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner7

8 Who uses statistics? 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner8






14 “…only need to consider some of the statistics relating to premature death, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke and various forms of cancer…”









23 Who uses official statistics? 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner23  Government  Researchers and analysts  Business owners and operators  Non governmental organizations / lobby groups  Students and teachers  Media  Development agencies / donors  …

24 Importance of building demand Limited data use Limited funding Limited quality statistics High demand for data More funding to produce data Higher quality of statistics 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner24

25 Increase use of statistics – benefits  Policy and decisions informed by evidence  Aware and engaged citizens leads to good governance  Improvements in data quality driven by use  Get better value for money out of official statistics 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner25


27 Dissemination and communication in context 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner27

28 National Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS)  5-10 year plan for developing statistical capacity  Involves the entire National Statistical System (NSS)  Provides a vision and milestones for getting there  Comprehensive framework for meeting user needs  Provides a framework for mobilising resources 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner28

29 General Data Dissemination System (GDDS)  Framework for the development of national statistical systems  Four dimensions  The data – coverage, periodicity and timeliness  Quality  Integrity  Access by the public  100 countries participating including: Fiji, Kiribati, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu The General Data Dissemination System (GDDS): a guide for participants and users (IMF, 2007) 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner29

30 Pacific Statistics Strategy  Developed by Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) through the Secretariat for the Pacific Community (SPC)  6 objectives:  PICTS are undertaking key statistical collections as scheduled  PICTS are producing the agreed core set of statistics across key sectors  PICTS have their own capacity or are accessing regional capacity to undertake agreed core and some specialists statistical functions  Improve Data accessibility and Utilization  New and innovative statistical tools and systems have been introduced  National and regional statistics governance is functioning effectively 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner30

31 4. Improve Data accessibility and Utilization 1. Redesign PRISM architecture + training 2. Redevelopment of SPC PopGIS + training 3. Develop statistical advocacy materials 4. Deliver statistical advocacy training to key user groups 5. Train/education statisticians to become better communicators 6. Conduct regular data user workshops 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner31

32 Producing statistics 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner32

33 Generic Statistical Business Process Model (UNECE, 2009) 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner33

34 Specify Needs DesignBuild CollectProcessAnalyse DisseminateArchiveEvaluate Generic Statistical Business Process Model (UNECE, 2009) 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner34

35 What is data quality? Data Quality RelevanceAccuracyCredibilityTimelinessAccessibilityInterpretabilityCoherenceCost-efficiency Source: OECD ( 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner35

36 Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (UN Statistical Commission)  Principle 1. Official statistics provide an indispensable element in the information system of a democratic society, serving the Government, the economy and the public with data about the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation. To this end, official statistics that meet the test of practical utility are to be compiled and made available on an impartial basis by official statistical agencies to honor citizens' entitlement to public information. Principle 1.  Principle 2. To retain trust in official statistics, the statistical agencies need to decide according to strictly professional considerations, including scientific principles and professional ethics, on the methods and procedures for the collection, processing, storage and presentation of statistical data. Principle 2.  Principle 3. To facilitate a correct interpretation of the data, the statistical agencies are to present information according to scientific standards on the sources, methods and procedures of the statistics. Principle 3.  Principle 4. The statistical agencies are entitled to comment on erroneous interpretation and misuse of statistics. Principle 4.  Principle 5. Data for statistical purposes may be drawn from all types of sources, be they statistical surveys or administrative records. Statistical agencies are to choose the source with regard to quality, timeliness, costs and the burden on respondents. Principle 5.  Principle 6. Individual data collected by statistical agencies for statistical compilation, whether they refer to natural or legal persons, are to be strictly confidential and used exclusively for statistical purposes. Principle 6.  Principle 7. The laws, regulations and measures under which the statistical systems operate are to be made public. Principle 7.  Principle 8. Coordination among statistical agencies within countries is essential to achieve consistency and efficiency in the statistical system. Principle 8.  Principle 9. The use by statistical agencies in each country of international concepts, classifications and methods promotes the consistency and efficiency of statistical systems at all official levels. Principle 9.  Principle 10. Bilateral and multilateral cooperation in statistics contributes to the improvement of systems of official statistics in all countries. Principle 10. 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner36

37 Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (UN Statistical Commission) 1. Statistical information is a public good 2. Independence and professional standards to retain trust 3. Present information to facilitate correct interpretation 4. Comment on misuse 5. Use most efficient data source 6. Data is confidential and for statistical purposes only 7. Transparent laws, regulations and measures 8. Coordination of statistical agencies within the country is essential 9. Use international concepts, classifications and methods 10. Bilateral and multilateral cooperation 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner37

38 What to do? 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner38

39 Good practices Adapted from United Nations Principles Governing International Statistical Activities  Regular consultations with users  Periodic review of statistical programmes to ensure relevance  Providing equal access to statistics for all users  Ensuring free public accessibility of key statistics  Using professional standards and codes of conduct  Making policies and decisions about statistical programmes publicly accessible  Documenting and publishing concepts, definitions, classifications, procedures and processes 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner39

40 Good practices (continued)  Putting measures in place to prevent direct or indirect disclosure of individuals or businesses  Develop a framework and methods for microdata dissemination and use  Responding to perceived erroneous interpretation and misuse  Developing education material to enhance use of statistics  Working with other national data producing agencies to improve statistical production and use  Participating in international meetings, bilateral and multilateral discussions 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner40

41 Global trends  “Official statisticians (in the past) did not pay enough attention to presentation, communication, listening or dialogue with users (this is changing)” Jill Leyland, UK Royal Statistical Society (May 2011) 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner41

42 Shift from print to online dissemination 25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner42

43 Example of communicating statistics  25-29 July 2011Jessica Gardner43

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