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Differences 不同處 Similarities 相同處 Topic 主題. Jay Chou Jay Chou is a creative ( 有創意的 ) young singer from Taiwan. He is popular ( 受歡迎 的 ) in many Asian countries.

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Presentation on theme: "Differences 不同處 Similarities 相同處 Topic 主題. Jay Chou Jay Chou is a creative ( 有創意的 ) young singer from Taiwan. He is popular ( 受歡迎 的 ) in many Asian countries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Differences 不同處 Similarities 相同處 Topic 主題

2 Jay Chou Jay Chou is a creative ( 有創意的 ) young singer from Taiwan. He is popular ( 受歡迎 的 ) in many Asian countries ( 亞洲國家 ). Jay sings R&B (Rhythm and Blues 節奏藍 調 ) and rap ( 饒舌 ) music.

3 He writes personal ( 個人的 )songs about his life. Plus ( 再加上 ), Jay plays the guitar, piano, and cello ( 大提琴 ) very well. Besides, Jay is a movie director ( 導演 ). He is very talented ( 有才華的 ).

4 Jay often wins awards ( 得獎 ) for his music. His CDs are very big sellers. And, his concerts ( 演唱會 ) are always full of fans ( 粉絲 ). This young singer is a leader ( 領導 者 ) in modern Chinese music.

5 Michael Jackson Michael Jackson lives in America ( 美國 ). He is a famous ( 著名的 ) pop ( 流行的 ) star. He travels ( 旅行 ) all around the world and sings at pop concerts. He writes his songs, too. He cares ( 關 心 ) about the world and makes many songs about it.

6 He also makes pop videos ( 流行音樂錄影帶 ). When it comes to the King of Pop ( 流行之王 ), Jackson is recognized ( 被認為 ) as the most successful ( 最成功的 ) entertainer ( 表演者 )of all time by the "Guinness World Records". (金氏世 界紀錄)

7 Michael Jackson Jay Chou pop singers write their own songs successful movie director Taiwan music video director America write songs about his life write songs about the world

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