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The Italian school system. Italy and… Italy officially the Italian Republic, an EU member state situated in the south overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.

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Presentation on theme: "The Italian school system. Italy and… Italy officially the Italian Republic, an EU member state situated in the south overlooking the Mediterranean Sea."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Italian school system

2 Italy and… Italy officially the Italian Republic, an EU member state situated in the south overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. It is also known as the par excellence of "boot" for the form and the "Beautiful Country" because of climate and natural and artistic beauty.

3 … Sardinia Sardinia is the second largest island in the Mediterranean Sea after Sicily. As administrative body is called the Autonomous Region of Sardinia and it is an autonomous region with special status as part of the Italian Republic. The special status enshrined in the Constitution of the Italian Republic in 1948, provides a broad cultural and administrative autonomy to the institutions of a region custodian of an ancient civilization with unique ethnic and linguistic characteristics.

4 Constitution of the Italian Republic Basic principles include: the freedom of education and teaching the duty of the state to provide a school open to everyone with no discrimination of any type the rights and duties of parents to provide education for their children the education and vocational training of disabled and handicapped citizens

5 Ministry of Education, University and Research is responsible for school education (MIUR) It is represented at local level by regional and provincial education offices

6 The education system, lasting 10 years, from 6 to 16, includes: scuola dell'infanzia (non-compulsory) for children between 3 and 6 years of age ; Compulsory education The Constitution foresees compulsory schooling until 14 years of age; however, the recent financial law will provide for the extension of it to 16 years of age. Phases Primo ciclo dell’istruzione (first cycle of education) 1.Scuola primaria (primary school) Age 6-11 2.Scuola secondaria di I grado (lower secondary school) Age 11- 14

7 Second cycle of education Post-compulsory education Admissions criteria Holders of the certificate of the first cycle of education may enter the second cycle of education Curriculum control and content Central government determines basic curricula for each branch of upper secondary education Core subjects common to all institutions are Italian, history, a modern foreign language, mathematics and physical education The final examination, at the end of upper secondary education, is the upper secondary school leaving examination

8 scuola secondaria di secondo grado (upper secondary school), made up of different kinds of schools and, generally, for students from 14 to 19 years of age (Access to both university and non- university higher education is reserved for students after passing the State exam at the end of upper secondary school Vocational training courses are run by local authorities and can be attended by people who have reached 15 years of age.

9 Secondo ciclo dell’istruzione (second cycle of education Age 14-19) Families are free to choose the kind of school they want to send their children to Classical education Liceo artistico (artistic upper secondary school) Liceo classico (classical upper secondary school) Liceo scientifico (scientific upper secondary school) Liceo linguistico (linguistic upper secondary school) Liceo artistico (artistic upper secondary school) Liceo delle scienze umane (human science upper secondary school Professional education 2 AREAS – 6 study courses Technical education 2 AREAS – 11 study courses

10 Higher education There are two main types of higher education: university and non-university higher education the degree university sector is now based on two main cycles (a three-year Laurea, followed by a two-year Laurea specialistica corresponding to a 3+2 framework) higher technology education (IFTS)

11 Continuing education There are 2 types of training: Centri Territoriali Permanenti (Centers for permanent education) Evening classes at upper secondary schools

12 Special educational support In Italy, disabled students have been integrated in ordinary schools there is not a separate education system for these students specialist support and auxiliary help is provided.

13 Teachers each teacher has a second cycle degree (laurea specialistica) to teach at every school level Primary school teachers can teach all subjects (are generalist teachers), but are responsible for a specific subject area. Secondary school teachers are specialist teachers

14 There are: Permanent teachers Temporary teachers There is no in - service evaluation for permanent teachers However a new law of 2009 introduced a system of evaluation and awards to encourage excellence. We wait the implementing rules.

15 Why ICT? In the near future, as Umberto Eco says, people will be divided between those who possess the ability to master new technologies and know how to get the most, and who is fast and simply suffer them, and these new illiterates, inevitably, will be excluded from most professions and certainly the most rewarding.

16 E- LEARNING FOR: Support lifelong learning Increase the flexibility in the learning Improve the learning experience Reduce barriers to learning Active learning Respects individual learning

17 Good practices in Italy on the use of ITC Initial and ongoing training of teachers on ITC (begun in 2001 by MIUR and followed by INDIRE now ANSAS) From school year 2008/2009, in the wake of the european positive experiences and local pilot projects, MIUR promotes the Digital School Projects- Board which aims ti provide digital whitebord in secondary schools and colleges can inlude involving teachers in a training methodology.

18 Thease early installations of LIM have prompted a virtuous process of change and increased motivation to study of the students. Project cl@ssi 2.0 started by MIUR in the school in the year 2009/2010, has initially involved 156 lower secondary school. The project aims to generate best practices for using technology, both in organizational learning.

19 Digital Program Directors MIUR program to facilitate communication between the various sectors of public administration and ensure transparency of the proceedings. The certified electronic mail (PEC) is a tool that allows you to give to an e-mail the same legal value as a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt traditional. The PEC makes information exchange more effective, safer and faster dissemination of data. It also makes more transparent the administrative operation of schools.

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