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Large-scale structure at high z: the SHADES survey Eelco van Kampen, University of Edinburgh with Jim Dunlop, John Peacock, Will Percival, Chris Rimes,

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Presentation on theme: "Large-scale structure at high z: the SHADES survey Eelco van Kampen, University of Edinburgh with Jim Dunlop, John Peacock, Will Percival, Chris Rimes,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Large-scale structure at high z: the SHADES survey Eelco van Kampen, University of Edinburgh with Jim Dunlop, John Peacock, Will Percival, Chris Rimes, Susie Scott

2 Semi-numerical models of galaxy formation and evolution  Cosmological model  Halo formation and merger history  Gas dynamics and radiative cooling  Star formation and feedback  Stellar population synthesis Ingredients:  CDM model of van Kampen, Rimes & Peacock (2002) Robust ? Unique ?

3 The Edinburgh model Differences with previously published models: –halo merger history from a special N-body technique –inclusion of two bursting star formation modes –realistic disk model with heuristic star formation law Semi-numerical model: retains substructure using a special N-body techique Semi-analytical models: erasure of all substructure van Kampen (2000)

4 Galaxy and halo merger trees An example of a simple halo/galaxy merger sequence

5 What are we trying to do ?  Understanding all ingredients for a model of galaxy formation and evolution  Assessing the robustness and uniqueness of such a model  Applying the model to solve specific problems: –galaxy occupation number –the abundance of dwarf satellites –structures of galaxies –interpreting high-redshift galaxy data

6 Model uniqueness Bursting and quiescent star formation, z=3 Mostly quiescent star formation, z=3 Mostly bursting star formation, z=3 z=0

7 SHADES A very large sub-mm survey (half a square degree) at 0.85 mm, complete to a flux limit of 8 mJy SCUBA time was granted a few months ago: 240 useable shifts, which means 1/3 of the JCMT for 3 years – consortium commited to staffing 420 nights on the JCMT from Oct 2002 P.I. Jim Dunlop (Edinburgh)

8  high surface density of submm sources: 700 deg -2 for  5mJy  co-moving number density ~10 -5 Mpc -3  significant (luminosity) evolution  25-30% of the sub-mm background has been resolved into sources  2mJy  epoch of dust-enshrouded star formation and/or AGN-activity ‘at high redshifts’  bright sub-mm sources progenitors of ERO’s (z~1) and local massive ellipticals (z~0) ? SCUBA sources: where, what, when ? Scott et al. (2002)

9 SHADES: 0.5 sq. degrees, ~300 sources needs 1/3 of JCMT over next 3 years

10 Redshift information Combining SCUBA 850-micron data with the BLAST balloon experiment data at 250, 350 and 450 microns

11 SCUBA galaxies Star formation rate as a function of redshift for a single galaxy 8 mJy

12 SCUBA galaxies Star formation rate as a function of redshift for a single galaxy 8 mJy

13 SCUBA galaxies Star formation rate as a function of redshift for a single galaxy 8 mJy

14 >8 mJy sources for 1.5 < z < 2.5

15 >8 mJy sources for all z

16 >2 mJy sources for all z

17 Simulated SCUBA/BLAST survey Simulation of the SCUBA map and BLAST redshift distribution

18 Model predictions compared clustering strength: w(θ)=(θ/A) -δ redshift distribution

19 Question time !

20 A range of models  simple merger model (Will Percival, Edinburgh)  Sussex model (Oliver et al.)  Padova model (Granato et al.)  INAOE model (Gaztañaga et al.)  semi-analytical model (Durham)  semi-numerical model (Edinburgh)

21 Understanding all ingredients for a galaxy formation model  halo merger histories from N-body simulations: –overmerging due to small particle numbers –undermerging due to poor numerical resolution in haloes  environmental effects on galaxy properties: –ram-pressure stripping of gas disks in galaxy clusters –star bursts driven by interactions and mergers

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