Studying the gas, dust, and star formation in the first galaxies at cm and mm wavelengths Chris Carilli, KIAA-PKU reionization workshop, July 2008  QSO.

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Presentation on theme: "Studying the gas, dust, and star formation in the first galaxies at cm and mm wavelengths Chris Carilli, KIAA-PKU reionization workshop, July 2008  QSO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Studying the gas, dust, and star formation in the first galaxies at cm and mm wavelengths Chris Carilli, KIAA-PKU reionization workshop, July 2008  QSO host galaxies at z ~ 6: massive galaxy and SMBH hole formation within 1Gyr of the Big Bang  Pushing to normal galaxies with ALMA and the EVLA USA – Carilli, Wang, Wagg, Fan, Strauss Euro – Walter, Bertoldi, Cox, Menten, Omont

2 Why QSO hosts?  Spectroscopic redshifts  Extreme (massive) systems M B L bol > 1e14 L o M BH > 1e9 M o  Rapidly increasing samples: z>4: > 1000 known z>5: 80 z>6: 15 Fan 05

3 QSO host galaxies – M BH -- M bulge relation  Most (all?) low z spheroidal galaxies have SMBH: M BH =0.002 M bulge  ‘Causal connection between SMBH and spheroidal galaxy formation’  Luminous high z QSOs have massive host galaxies (1e12 M o ) Magorrian, Tremaine, Gebhardt, Merritt…

4 1/3 of luminous QSOs have S 250 > 2 mJy, independent of redshift from z=1.5 to 6.4 L FIR ~ 1e13 L o (HyLIRG) ~ 0.1 x L bol : Dust heating by starburst or AGN? MAMBO surveys of z>2 QSOs 1e13 L o 2.4mJy

5 Dust => Gas: L FIR vs L’(CO)  non-linear => increasing SF eff (SFR/gas mass) with increasing SFR  Massive gas reservoirs > 10 10 M o > 10 x MW Index=1.5 1e11 M o 1e3 M o /yr z ~ 6 QSO hosts Star formation rate Gas Mass

6 Highest redshift SDSS QSO (t univ = 0.87Gyr) L bol = 1e14 L o Black hole: ~3 x 10 9 M o ( Willot etal. ) Gunn Peterson trough (Fan etal.) Pushing into reionization: QSO 1148+52 at z=6.4

7 1148+52 z=6.42: Dust detection Dust formation? AGB Winds ≥ 1.4e9yr > t univ = 0.87e9yr => dust formation associated with high mass star formation: Silicate gains (vs. eg. Graphite) formed in core collapse SNe (Maiolino 07)? S 250 = 5.0 +/- 0.6 mJy L FIR = 1.2e13 L o M dust =7e8 M o 3’ MAMBO 250 GHz

8 1148+52 z=6.42: Gas detection FWHM = 305 km/s z = 6.419 +/- 0.001 M gas /M dust ~ 30 (~ starburst galaxies) IRAM VLA 1” ~ 5.5kpc CO3-2 VLA  Size ~ 5.5 kpc  M(H 2 ) ~ 2e10 M o  ‘Fuel for galaxy formation’ PdBI +

9 1148+5251 Radio to near- IR SED T D = 50 K  FIR excess = 50K dust  Radio-FIR SED follows star forming galaxy  SFR ~ 3000 M o /yr Radio-FIR correlation Elvis SED

10 Dense, warm gas: CO thermally excited to 6-5, similar to starburst nucleus T kin > 80 K n H2 ~ 1e5 cm^-3 CO excitation ladder 2 NGC253 MW

11 Break-down of M BH -- M bulge relation at very high z Use CO rotation curves to get host galaxy dynamical mass High z QSO hosts Low z QSO hosts Other low z galaxies Riechers + Perhaps black holes form first?

12 Atomic fine structure lines: [CII] 158um at z=6.4  Dominant ISM gas coolant = star formation tracer  z>4 => FS lines observed in (sub)mm bands  [CII] size ~ 6kpc ~ molecular gas => distributed star formation  SFR ~ 6.5e-6 L [CII] ~ 3000 M o /yr 1” [CII] + CO 3-2 [CII] [NII] IRAM 30m Plateau de Bure

13 [CII] -- the good and the bad  [CII]/FIR decreases rapidly with L FIR (lower heating efficiency due to charged dust grains?) => luminous starbursts are still difficult to detect in C+  Normal star forming galaxies (eg. LAEs) are not much harder to detect! J1623 z=6.25 Malhotra + 2000

14 [CII] in J1623+3111 at z = 6.25 FIR-weaker QSO Host S 250 FIR < 3e12 L o => Dust detection should not be a prerequisite for [CII] search Bertoldi + 2008

15  Only direct probe of host galaxies  10 in dust => M dust > 1e8 M o  5 in CO => M gas > 1e10 M o  10 at 1.4 GHz continuum: -- SFR > 1000 M o /yr -- Radio loud AGN fraction ~ 6%  2 in [CII] => SFR > 1000 M o /yr J1425+3254 CO at z = 5.9 Current Plateau de Bure is routinely detecting ~ 1mJy lines, and 0.1 mJy continuum at 90GHz! Summary of cm/mm detections at z>5.7: 33 quasars

16 Building a giant elliptical galaxy + SMBH at t univ < 1Gyr  Multi-scale simulation isolating most massive halo in 3 Gpc^3 (co-mov)  Stellar mass ~ 1e12 M o forms in series (7) of major, gas rich mergers from z~14, with SFR ~ 1e3 - 1e4 M o /yr  SMBH of ~ 2e9 M o forms via Eddington-limited accretion + mergers  Evolves into giant elliptical galaxy in massive cluster (3e15 M o ) by z=0  Generally consistent with ‘downsizing’ 10.5 8.1 6.5 Li, Hernquist, Roberston.. 10 Rapid enrichment of metals, dust in ISM (z > 8) Rare, extreme mass objects: ~ 100 SDSS z~6 QSOs on entire sky Integration times of hours to days to detect HyLIGRs

17 Pushing to ‘normal galaxies’ during reionization, eg. z=5.7 Ly  galaxies in COSMOS  SUBARU: Ly      ~ 10 M o /yr  100 deg^-2 in  z ~ 5.7 +/- 0.05 NB850nm Murayama et al. 07

18 Pushing to ‘normal galaxies’ during reionization, eg. z=5.7 Ly  galaxies in COSMOS Stacking analysis (100 LAEs)  MAMBO: SFR<300  VLA: SFR<125  Still factor 10 away from SFR(Lya) VLA Stacking analysis Need order magnitude improvement in sensitivity at radio through submm wavelengths in order to study earliest generation of normal galaxies.

19 What is EVLA? First steps to the SKA Status Antenna retrofits now 50% completed. Early science in 2010, using new correlator. Full receiver complement completed 2012. By building on the existing infrastructure, multiply ten-fold the VLA’s observational capabilities, including 10x continuum sensitivity (1uJy), full frequency coverage (1 to 50 GHz), 80x BW (8GHz)

20 50 x 12m array Atacama Compact Array 12x7m + 4x12m TP What is ALMA? North American, European, Japanese, and Chilean collaboration to build & operate a large millimeter/submm array at high altitude site (5000m) in northern Chile -> order of magnitude, or more, improvement in all areas of (sub)mm astronomy, including resolution, sensitivity, and frequency coverage.

21 ALMA into reionization Spectral simulation of J1148+5251  Detect dust emission in 1sec (5  ) at 250 GHz  Detect [CII] in minutes  Detect multiple lines, molecules per band => detailed astrochemistry  Image dust and gas at sub- kpc resolution – gas dynamics HCN HCO+ CO CCH LAE, LBGs: ALMA will detect dust, molecular, and FS lines in 1 to 3 hours in normal galaxies at z ~ 6

22 (sub)mm: high order molecular lines. fine structure lines -- ISM physics, dynamics cm telescopes: low order molecular transitions -- total gas mass, dense gas tracers Pushing to normal galaxies: spectral lines  FS lines will be workhorse lines in the study of the first galaxies with ALMA.  Study of molecular gas in first galaxies will be done primarily with cm telescopes

23 cm: Star formation, AGN (sub)mm Dust, molecular gas Near-IR: Stars, ionized gas, AGN Arp 220 vs z Pushing to normal galaxies: continuum A Panchromatic view of galaxy formation

24 AOS Technical Building Array operations center at 5000m Japanese antennas at 3000m

25 ESO ALMA Status Antennas, receivers, correlator fully prototyped, now in production: best (sub)mm receivers and antennas ever! Site construction well under way: Observation Support Facility and Array Operations Site North American ALMA Science Center (C’Ville): gearing up for science commissioning and early operations Timeline Q1 2007: First fringes at ATF (Socorro) Q1 2009: Three antenna array at AOS Q2 2010: First call for (early science) proposals Q4 2010: Start early science (16 antennas) Q4 2012: Full operations


27 Pushing uJy radio studies to z>2: Cosmos LBG, BzK, and LAE samples Counterparts L 1.4GHz M82 (SFR~10) Arp220 (SFR~100) M87 (low lum AGN) > 2.0e+31 erg/s/Hz4e+294e+309e+31 8500 LBGs (U,B,V) identified, z~ 3, 4, 5 100 LAE in NB850 filter z = 5.7 30,000 BzK star forming galaxies z ~ 1.5 to 2 ‘normal’ galaxy population at high redshift?

28 V-drop, z>4.5 S 1.4 = 45 uJy S 230 = 5 ± 1.4 mJy Keck spectrum => starburst galaxy at z = 4.52 Most distant, spectroscopically confirmed submm galaxy (the next most distant at z=3.6) Complex optical/IR morphology: varying extinction Figure 5 - A color image of J1000+0234 with radio contours Ha + IR: high extinction UV knot+ Lya J1000+0234 -- V-drop+radio ID: most distant submm galaxy Capak + 1”

29 CO/radio continuum coincident with a dust-lane seen rest frame UV image Gass mass ~ 2e10 M o = fuel for galaxy formation Massive galaxy forming from a merging system, SFR ~ 3000 M o /yr Comparison to uv-derived SFR => uv extinction factor ~100 J1000+0234 -- V-drop+radio ID: most distant submm galaxy VLA CO 2-1 VLA 1.4 GHz ACS

30 LBG Stacking (SKA Science without the SKA) Find the average properties of our “non-detections” using stacking: reduces noise by ~ √N. Mean stacking: exclude 3 , 4  sources: significantly affects results Median stacking does not require source exclusion, and is more robust calculation (see FIRST analysis by White et. al, 2006)

31 U-Dropouts (2.5 < z < 3.5) Median Flux Density = 0.90+/-0.21  Jy  ~ 17 M o /yr  ~ 31 Mo/yr  UV either extinction ~ factor 2 (vs. standard LBG factor 5)  or Radio-FIR correlation fails at high z?

32 BzK galaxies: Star forming galaxies at z~ 1.5 to 2 (Pannella et al) Star forming galaxies with stellar masses ~ 1e10 to 1e11 M o SFR ~ 30 -- 50 M o yr

33 1.4 GHz vs. Stellar Mass Stacking detections ~ 2 to 9 +/- 0.2 uJy

34 1.4 GHz vs. B-z

35 Specific star formation rate (= SFR/M * ) vs. stellar mass: radio vs. UV data  Radio: no dust-bias => SSFR ~ constant w. M *  UV not corrected for dust: more massive SF galaxies with higher SFR are also more extincted Radio SFR UV SFR

36 1.4GHz vs. B AB

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