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Yukon Education Literature Circle (Part of the Cypher IV Math Leadership Project) September 25, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Yukon Education Literature Circle (Part of the Cypher IV Math Leadership Project) September 25, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yukon Education Literature Circle (Part of the Cypher IV Math Leadership Project) September 25, 2013

2 Information Information Page Web Tour

3 Beginning With The End In Mind For the final sharing session each of you will be asked to share how your thinking has been transformed as a result of your reading. –Your monthly React With Nonfiction (Fact/React) sheets could be used to complete: Transforming My Thinking and this could be used as the basis for your sharing at the last session. For the last sharing session you will be asked to submit: –Transforming My Thinking or another “product” of your choice that will help the group see how your thinking has been transformed as a result of your reading. Other “products” might include but are not limited to: A book review Mindmap/Ideagram creation




7 Intended Learning Outcomes Use the Blackboard Collaborate online meeting room with increasing ease –Get into the meeting room –Run a successful audio setup –Activate your video –Receive or save a file (and figure out where you put it) –Communicate in the room by: Using the whiteboard tools Using the chat window Turning on and off the “stepped away from the session” indicator Use emoticons Put your hand up and down

8 Intended Learning Outcomes (continued) Experience a literature circle in action –Observe a modelling of an adaptation of the “Say Something” strategy (observe a literature circle discussion group.) –Experience a book walk/theme walk of the literature circle reading selection options Send us your top two book choices by the end of the session

9 Using Blackboard Collaborate! Use the Blackboard Collaborate online meeting room with increasing ease –Get into the meeting room –Run a successful audio setup –Activate your video –Receive a file (and figure out where you put it) –Communicate in the room by: Using the whiteboard tools Using the chat window Turning on and off the “stepped away from the session” indicator Use emoticons Put your hand up and down

10 Getting Started –Getting Started (p. 7 for the lit. circle leaders) Learning the adaptation of the “Say Something” strategy –Accept (and find) a file transfer of the Introduction to Grand Conversations, Thoughful Responses: A Unique Approach to Literature Circles –Jeanette G. will lead us in a modelling of the “Say Something” strategy (p. 8-9 for the lit. circle leaders). –As she describes and engages us in this strategy please keep the following stems in mind …

11 React With Nonfiction Reading Title: Introduction to Grand Conversations Thoughtful Responses: A Unique Approach to Literature Circles –Fact What’s in the book –React What’s in my head

12 The Process of Compiling The Book Collection (p.11 - 12 for lit. circle leaders) –Quality –Good fit –Read, read, read! –How much? –Keep an extra copy for yourself

13 Presenting The Book Collection (p. 12 - for lit. circle leaders) Book Walk/Theme Walk –Jeanette McCrie is going to lead the presentation of the book collection beginning with the theme “Literacy Across The Curriculum”

14 Picking Your Top Choices Explore the reading list on your own right now

15 Picking Your Top Choices Write your top 2 book choices and top article choice in the chat window. Click on the yes checkmark when you have this task completed –What if I do not get this done right now?

16 Next Time Once you receive one of your top choices, do some reading. If you need scaffolding to facilitate your discussions, come to each meeting with a completed “React With Nonfiction” sheet to help you. This may also help you with your final meeting sharing. (Binder) Use the same link for the next literature circle meeting on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 @ 4 PM. (For the Cypher IV Math Leadership group, our next meeting is on the 16th.)

17 Final Round-Table Sharing I feel good about… I used to… but now I… My goal is… I will know I am on my way when… One thing that worked today was… One question I have… Two things I remember are… I participated in the discussion group by … Our discussions tonight have made me realize that … One thing that I will try in my classroom after this session is … If I could do something again differently, I would… In the Blackboard Collaborate online meeting room I am able to … One reflection stem that I would add is … Other?

18 Picking Your Top Choices Try to get this done before you leave the meeting room tonight. –What do I do if I do not get this done?

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